There is a bar connecting the ground and nuetral busses. The busses should not be tied together at this particular (sub) panel. Does this bar come out or is there some other was to separate them?
Thanks in advance.
There is a bar connecting the ground and nuetral busses. The busses should not be tied together at this particular (sub) panel. Does this bar come out or is there some other was to separate them?
Thanks in advance.
The bar is removable.
Thank you Proffessor Pope!
I figured it was removeable.
You just need to loosen the buss screw and then the screw thru the jumper and into the enclosure. The jumper is slotted to allow its removal from the bar.
I still see a technical code violation in the first image…anyone know…
Check out 408.41 ( Easy Fix )
Is neutral and ground allowed to have more than 1 wire per lug ?
408.41 Grounded Conductor Terminations. Each
grounded conductor shall terminate within the panelboard
in an individual terminal that is not also used for another
No and Yes. The neutral wires need to be separated while 2 wires under one connection is allowed.
I did an inspection on a new construction yesterday and found the tie bar not removed in the Auxiliary panel. I took a look at some of the units that weren’t done yet and seen the same thing. Ooops.
The plumber really screwed up by connecting the wrong water pipes to many of the fixtures. I seen hot water going into both toilets, Hot and cold reverse at many of the fixtures (kitchen and laundry tub was correct) and both showers producing nothing but hot water no matter where the handle was turned. :shock:
He has some work ahead of him since this is a slab house and most of the pipes are in the cement floor.
You could always swap the lines at the water heater, and swich the lines at the sink. Problem solved!
Equipment Grounding Conductors YES- Based on listing of the terminal bar or equipment
Grounded " Neutral" Condutors - No and sometimes Yes…No in that under normal conditions like the one shown here NO. However, their is an exception which does not apply to this example but it does apply to some conditions.
**408.41 Grounded Conductor Terminations. **Each
grounded conductor shall terminate within the panelboard
in an individual terminal that is not also used for another
Exception: Grounded conductors of circuits with parallel
conductors shall be permitted to terminate in a single terminal
if the terminal is identified for connection of more
than one conductor.