Has anyone seen this type of gutter system? This is a new one to me.
Where do they discharge?
How do you know?
They could just as easily be going to an underground pipe that runs underground and discharges to the surface.
Mine discharge into an underground pipe to my back yard 25 ft below the front elevation.
I Would Know If I Had Seen It Before.
Does your system run into and behind the exterior veneer?
No but I can think of nothing preventing that type of hidden installation.
Mine discharge into a pipe at the front just above grade.
It looks to be a 4" PVC that it dumps into in the photo posted.
There sure must be a lot of water coming out of those weep holes in the bottom of the veneer. ;):mrgreen:
that sure sounds like a great idea…lets just channel all this water behind the veneer…seems kind of backwards to me…
They were discharging into a french drain system that discharged at the street.
Weep holes? Whoops, I knew I forgot something.:shock:
I agree, before they installed the seamless gutters, it was piped to the interior and sent to the local storm water or underground French Drain as Bryan mentioned.
I inspected an older home a few years back where all the interior duct system were still in the basement, but no longer used.
Still had the old wood gutters and newer downspouts had been installed.
I have pictures, but would have to dig them out of my disc files.
I was asked to do this a few times in Illinois when I was remodeling. I owned a gutter machine.An Northern Illinois University Architect specified the downspouts be built into the wall cavity so they would not freeze. And discharge into the storm sewer. I talked him put of it. Sounds good but can you imagine the problems when they fail?
Designed to keep the bricks good and wet so the vines will thrive. Bet the house is like a Chia Pet in the spring time :p:D
I needed a good friend to help me find this link on the subject.
Interesting reading.
Internal downspouts are more common in commercial.
Disclaim the downspouts since you can’t see them.
Older systems were often metal which corroded and caused a lot of damage. Since this is plastic, if it was connected properly it has a good chance of lasting a long time. Leaks and the resulting damage are sometimes not visible for a long time.
Can you confirm the discharge location visually?
Hey Marcel they run water supply pipes under pressure in walls do they not?
I think the internal gutter is a great idea if there is no chance of freeze.
Look how old those downspouts are in your article (I mean really) as nothing lasts forever yet PVC sure would be great for this application.
Can we do this with no glue sections please?
No, very few exceptions to that here in Commercial Work.
When absolutely necessary, the wall cavity is insulated with Polyicynerate foil faced insulation, usually 3" in a 6" wall cavity and also on the sides of the studs as much as possible.
That usually works.
Even in Residential, pipes should not be installed in insulated exterior walls.
Rain leaders are usually installed interior of the exterior wall envelope and boxed in where addittional insulation is not required. Vertical rain leader risers are not typically insulated at all unless noise is an issue. Only horizontal runs needs insulation for condensation control.
Useing cast iron pipe will minimize the noise on vertical risers. So a lot of that material is used when budget allows.
Makes sense.
That could get very noisy in a home.