Has anyone built a Flow meter/pressure meter?

After checking prices for the Toro pressure and flow meters like the picture I’ve posted, I found myself thinking “I can build one of these…”
Have any of you put the fittings together “cheaper” than buying one?

I doubt very much. It would be any cheaper by the time you by the fittings, good gauges, and the proper restrictor

How much does the one in the picture cost? Probably cheaper to just buy it than the trip(s) to the store and time to build one.

I paid about $85 for mine


The gauge is calibrated to a specific size orifice. The math and precision needed to match the gauge to the orifice is probably not worth the effort. Look up “Orifice Meter”, which is the type of meter your asking about.

Got the exact same one through Amazon in January for $54.99. About the 3rd or 4th I have bought. Sometimes I forget to take them out of the rig in winter and if it freezes, the gauges go cattywompus… Still have 1 spare. They are out of stock now but it should be back in stock soon.

Steve, build your own using a Dwyer meter, cost a little more but worth it.

I like it because I can regulate the gallons per minute and watch the PSI at the same time.

I’m involved with a company that makes dialysis equipment and I go to the patients home to evaluate the well and septic to make sure the dialysis equipment will work properly. It’s great because I’ll set the GPM at what ever they require and watch to make sure it maintains pressure.

Here’s a link to Dwyer, let me know if you need any help



Thanks for all the replies,

Just remember the flow meter is only measuring the flow rate at the connect point. Every faucet inside or outside will have a different flow rate due to frictional loss in the pipe, fittings and valves.

If you make your own who is going to certify it? If you are using it for your own use then fine but if using it for court or most any other specific flow rated applications you are best to buy one that is already made.