Has anyone seen this electrical panel?

This panel is a sub-panel is in a residential setting. This and everything else in this house is completely wrong and will need further evaluation, just curious if anyone is familiar with this panel as I have never seen this style before. There are no id tags or any information to help identify it. Thanks

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I’m no help identifying that. Very interesting how someone put “Phase 1” and “Phase 2” labels on it.

Very interesting, I’ve never seen one either.
Any chance that home was originally used in other ways than tradional residential, ie. multi-family, commercial, etc.? What’s the homes age and location? Urban/Rural?
Could also be a panel installed by a ‘good-old-boy’ back in the day. You know electricians/plumbers/FARMERS like to install “stuff” (from their jobs or the scrap yard) in their own homes. I see it all the time, especially being in rural Minnesota where farmers only spend money on
their toys and seed!


This is the WORST house I have ever been in. I could fill the WTF thread with my day. The house has been added on so many times by someone who had no idea what they were doing. The garage-where this panel is located- is a good ol’Yankee boy garage. My initial feeling about this panel is that it was a 3 phase that is being used as a single phase-that I do not know if that is even possible or acceptable. The labeling of the 2 phases is what sends me that way.
I love the ground wire connections.

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Yes its a 3 phase panel wired as single phase because there are only three conductors feeding it.


Yup, as I thought.


I concur.
There are 3 phases.(A) (B) (C). Typically for commercial, industrial
Three-phase power is a three-wire ac power circuit with each phase ac signal 120 electrical degrees apart.
Must be a transformer upstream.

Adam. Was this an apartment building built in the very early seventies or before?

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Duh… there is ALWAYS a transformer upstream!

Always a transformer as power source upstream in apartments or residential buildings? You sure you are not referring to transformers outside?

You did not realize it was a 3 phase panel.
You make me laugh.

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And you make me cry.
Do you EVER make a post BEFORE reading everyone else’s replies and stealing their thougts for your own?
Everything you said, was already discussed by others. You just turned the words into Robert-ese.
(Got that from Nick, did ya?)

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Ditto that, he’s been doing that for years.


This is you. “Very interesting, I’ve never seen one either.”
So you have never seen a 3 phase panel? Hm…

Robert Meier posted the facts where as you whine and cry like a baby.

Jeffery, most message board member’s know you for the trouble you stir up at times. I being one of them. Let it go. Move on to the next subject you are interested in.

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Yea… I’ve finally had enough. Been biting my tongue, until he crapped on post. Enough of him!

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I wanna know who is the maker of this panel.
In all my years I have never seen one like that.
Trust me! I searched the hell outa it with no results.


Ask Robert Young as he thinks he knows everything and we are just a bunch of idiots!

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Don’t you dick around with me like that. Lol.
I don’t put up but too much foolishness.