Originally Posted By: ecox1 This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Need some advice on this. A homeowner contacted me this morning this morning about a heating unit. She said that last night when she got home she smelt like some thing was burning. She said it was coming from the heating vents. When she checked her electric furnace it was very hot with a funny smell. Any HVAC professional. I told her today I stop by and see if I can find the problem.
Originally Posted By: rcooke This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
ecox1 wrote:
Need some advice on this. A homeowner contacted me this morning this morning about a heating unit. She said that last night when she got home she smelt like some thing was burning. She said it was coming from the heating vents. When she checked her electric furnace it was very hot with a funny smell. Any HVAC professional. I told her today I stop by and see if I can find the problem.
Check the filter low air flow could cause more elements to come on.
Roy sr
Originally Posted By: dedwards This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
You never said whether this was a previous client and she was calling you back as an after market call. I sometimes get calls after a significant period of time may have lapsed from someone I did a home inspection for. Most of the time the unit just quit working and they are looking for some free advice or want you to come over and troubleshoot the system. I always advise them to call a licensed contractor in the particular discipline. It is a dangerous practice to make house calls for troubleshooting purposes unless you are qualified and licensed to perform the work. Only reason I caution on this is because you will start getting calls from people all the time long after you have done the home inspection. You have to be careful otherwise you will find yourself “owning” the property forever. Got a call a year and half after I did the inspection for one fella and his electric furnace quit during one of the rare below freezing nights we get here and he called to ask me what to do. I told him to do what I do…call the repair man. NO telling how long he would have sat there freezing his butt off before he would have broke the code on that one.
Originally Posted By: ecox1 This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
dedwards wrote:
You never said whether this was a previous client and she was calling you back as an after market call. I sometimes get calls after a significant period of time may have lapsed from someone I did a home inspection for. Most of the time the unit just quit working and they are looking for some free advice or want you to come over and troubleshoot the system. I always advise them to call a licensed contractor in the particular discipline. It is a dangerous practice to make house calls for troubleshooting purposes unless you are qualified and licensed to perform the work. Only reason I caution on this is because you will start getting calls from people all the time long after you have done the home inspection. You have to be careful otherwise you will find yourself "owning" the property forever. Got a call a year and half after I did the inspection for one fella and his electric furnace quit during one of the rare below freezing nights we get here and he called to ask me what to do. I told him to do what I do....call the repair man. NO telling how long he would have sat there freezing his butt off before he would have broke the code on that one.
Not she was not one of my clients she's a friend of mine.
Originally Posted By: jsmith10 This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Check the air flow as the others have said but also the CB’s need to be checked to see if they have tripped as well as checking wire connections on the CB have loosened.