Hello I’m wondering if anyone here has a NHIE Home Inspection Manual and/or NHIE study guide laying around? I just got my intern license in Connecticut and would like to start studying now. Thank you and have an awesome day!
Welcome to our forum, Angel!..Enjoy!
Angel, go to the main forum page https://forum.nachi.org and use the magnifying glass in the upper right of the page and do a search for “NHIE Home Inspection Manual"and/or” NHIE study guide". There have been some used ones for sale.
Starting at the home page gives you results from the whole forum not just the thread you are in.
Good luck!
Angel, some info that may help you prepare for the exam:
I have the structural systems and business manual available if interested message me. For the first manual go to scribd.com and search national home inspector exam and sign up for the 30 day free trial you can read the entire manual on there saves you the $100+ the manual cost even paying the monthly fee to scribd is still cheaper. That is what I did and passed my exam in October.
Thank you!