I don’t see a lot of stucco finishes in my area. Had one today that to me looks like PB EIFS or barrier EIFS as I see no weep edging or moisture channel at the base. The material is on EPS and the second picture shows a piece that I was able to remove from an inconspicuous area. The base coat is about 1/16" and the finish is less than 1/8". Is someone familiar enough with the types of stucco to confirm?
The overall condition was good for a 10 year old home. One or smalltwo areas of cracking. What is the proper way to communicate the potential issues?
I always defer to a eifs specialist.
Barrier is against code here and every single opening must be sealed tight.
Go to edi site.
Exterior design institute
We did 3 mil per year back in the '90’s. The pics you posted are a poor install. The first one is either a settlement issue on a new home or the mesh does not have a “butterfly” patch on the corners and if it did, it’s not large enough. The photo going up the shingles is very poor. The system should have been dropped into a track and on top the step flashing for a clean finish, at least 1 1/2-2" above the shingles. The end split should have either had the same vinyl tracking to terminate the system or a cleaner back wrap with a backer rod with a Urethane sealant to finish.
Man, con’t pictures of workmanship depicted in those pictures piss me off.
People like that don’t deserve to have a job. Even less getting paid for it.
Check out this site. This is the association for EIFS that basically set the standards. Great place to get yourself smart on EIFS systems, short of going and getting certified to be an EIFS inspector yourself.
As far as identifying the type…I did not see any moisture barrier, but how would I? Do I have enough certainty that is is a barrier or seal faces EIFS that I can state that in my report? Is there something else that I should look for? Yes, I will advise to have a qualified EIFS inspection performed.
You can most likely identify the moisture barrier by the date of install. The system was great when it came here from Europe but flawed. Many law suits from installs completed in the 90’s. The accepted method was to use the basecoat to stick the panels to the bare OSB substrate and they used the same to basecoat to embed the mesh. In 2006 I inspected a hotel and opened up a wall section, the OSB was completely gone. So after all the lawsuits the manufacturers delt with the moisture probs and late late 90’s and early 2000’s is when the moisture barriers and track system was introduced. Before the track system, the first method was Tyvek and the system was now mechanically fastened. I know it’s a long shot but if your project was from the last 10-15 yrs you can bet there is some method in place. But then again considering how poor the job is, they may have not done anything except got there money and scrammed… Take your palm and push in at different areas for a very basic test. If is loose and you hear / feel crumbling, that’s the old system.
Good luck and be careful what you say in your report…CYA
“Limited, visual inspection”…learn it, say it often and stay by it. Report what you see, don’t guess or assume at anything or it will come back to bite you squarely in the butt.
That is why I left the site for EIMA. They are the people who make the different EIFS systems. They got tired of being sued because contractors who should know better were installing the systems with people who were not trained at all in the proper methods and protocols. If ONE step is omitted or done out of sequence the system is FUBAR and voids the warranty. Out all the homes and buildings I did EIFS inspections on, only ONE was done correctly! They can NOT mix systems either! that is why there are different colors of mesh material. each manufacturer has their own unique color so they will know immediately if a contractor mixed systems…every box of materials has an instruction sheet inside but rarely used by the installers since many can not even read or speak English.
Thanks everyone! The inspection went great…well, I guess it depends on how you define great…clients were very interactive and the husband was the most analytical client I’ve met. He wanted to track down every wire in the place. I actually got the realtor to leave so I could spend more time investigating some issues. The home was a 3400 sq ft 11 year old foreclosure selling for less than half of what it would have 5 years ago. I will update a post on the Structural Inspection board related to this home. Anyway, I saved the exterior for last. Had pictures on the iPad of the areas showing poor flashing and lack of separation from roof etc. Here’s the essence of what I communicated:
The stucco type exterior finish appears to be an EIFS ( Exterior Insulated Finishing System). While these systems offer much in the way of aesthetic beauty and insulation, if improperly installed, they can become problematic. The components making up the EIFS MUST be installed according to the manufacturers specific instructions. Our visual inspection of the system raises concerns about proper installation and the potential for moisture issues. Guidelines regarding flashing and separation from potential moisture sources do not appear to have been followed. A few areas of cracking were also observed. EIFS systems require occasional (typically annual) inspections to ensure that moisture is not present behind the systems, where it can cause damage to the substrate. Recommend that the client contact a professional certified EIFS Inspector to evaluate the EIFS system prior to closing.
Now, I need to find them a qualified EIFS Inspector neat Appleton, WI.