What do you make of this? Underground service ran though the crawl
Was that the service from the street, or a feeder for a sub panel in another building?
From the street under a new addition.
Is this allowed? OK?
I would think not, considering it is sitting on the ground (considered inside the building/not buried), susceptible to damage, not secured and the opening to the lateral pipe is open to water intrusion (moisture or flooding).
It should be protected, if not still buried, secured off of the ground and a pipe should be in the opening through the foundation wall into the house; I would say the pipe that seems to go out to the service feeder should be off of the ground and protected from water intrusion.
I would just write it up as needing to be evaluated by a qualified Electrician.
Generaly speaking, service entrance cable can travel a maximum of 10’ inside the house before entering the service disconnect. I suppose it comes down to if the cable is in a location where mechanical damage could be anticipted. Looks like a safety hazzard to me.
This is not allowed by the NEC. Service entrance conductors are not permitted to be run exposed on the floor of a crawl space. Also they must terminate in a disconnect nearest their point of entry into the structure.
If I’m understanding you correctly, this is a service lateral. With no means of disconnect until the lateral reaches the panel, that is a very dangerous condition.
No it runs from the street to the meter. Its underground until it reaches this crawlspace which happens to be an addition to the house.
Is there a means of disconnect at the meter, or at the panel? If it’s at the panel, that is a dangerous situation.
Only by removing the meter