HillBilly you stalk members and keep many from posting.You are king of your tiny world.
Nick, any comments?
Maybe Nick is buying a huge share of an insurance company before he sets it up.
You can check out InterNACHI’s healthcare vendor at https://www.nachi.org/health.htm
InterNACHI has also partnered with Aflac https://www.nachi.org/aflac.htm as well a Mutual of Omaha https://www.nachi.org/mutual-of-omaha.htm
I don’t think this is the same as an “Association” type plan.
Everything is always political & gets in some sore loser election stuff that degrades the subject at hand.
Some people can’t help themselves.
Hello Sheilenna. Thank you for your post, however, that is not the same thing as establishing an inspector healthcare association. As an association, a variety of healthcare plans can be made available for members to purchase from carriers across state lines. It relieves members from having to buy forced plan options through the non-competitive Obamacare marketplace, which in many states is down to a single carrier at exorbitant cost. A healthcare association has the potential to save individual members thousands of dollars in premium, more flexibility in plan selection and access to better carriers than what may be available to them now. Renewal season is coming and I think we are in for another shocking round of premium increases, so timing matters.
Please ask Nick to comment here.
I don’t think this is what Chuck was referring to in the OP.
This is a timely topic as well, as open enrollment is a bit less than a month away.
I haven’t researched if there are other trade associations (HI or other) that have jumped on this. Anyone else?
No. This could be a viable benefit being an interNACHI member. Nick, please let us know if you would be willing to look into it or not. Thanks.
Give all your personal info so you can be robo-called ad nauseum, with no idea what they even have to offer…:roll:
“By entering your name and information above and clicking the Get Quote button, you are consenting to receive a call or emails regarding your Insurance Health, Dental, Vision, Supplement, Medicare Advantage, Medicare Supplement, and Prescription Drug Plan options (at any phone number or email address you provide) from a SASid representative or one of our licensed insurance agent business partners, and you agree such call may use an automatic telephone dialing system or an artificial or prerecorded voice to deliver messages. This agreement is not a condition of enrollment.”
I don’t know any way around that. Your legislators enacted “no call” laws. So without permission to call you before you become a client, there simply is no way to help.
Anyway, InterNACHI’s existing health system already compares every available plan for you to help you find the best option. I think it’s pretty good as is.
Every available plan for the self-employed right now is limited to what is available in the Obamacare marketplace. In many places that’s down to a single carrier and a small handful of plans that cover what comrade Obama decided we had to have. Going outside of that incurs harsh tax penalties.
A healthcare association would give us the ability to self-direct our coverage choices and seek coverage on the open market across states, without incurring the Obamacare overhead or tax penalties.
What we have now in InterNACHI’s existing health system amounts to nothing more than someone to read us the choices off Obama’s local menu for serfs.
You’re ‘‘tool’’ may be good as is. Unfortunately the Health Care system and more importantly for the Self-Employed it’s FUBAR. I’ve had health insurance for over 20 years, family over 15. This year uninsured. Why? Premiums were $1,6000 for BS junk coverage. That’s a so called ‘’ Bronze’’ plan.
Nick you’re intelligent enough and abreast on this topic to understand what Chuck asked. Because its fluid, Trump recent Exec orders and obummer care will crash, we are hoping for positive changes. I want health coverage that suits my families needs at this time in our lives.
Anyways, a simple yes or no to Chucks initial post would be nice. No hard feelings if you don’t want or cant make that type health plan available for us members right now. Obviously its a no
I get numerous calls every week so what are you talking about?
A law doesn’t mean everyone complies with it. I see speed limit signs every week and I typically exceed all of them.