Regardless, it is an open board, if I tend to ask a few questions then that is my business, you don’t have to follow along, and you don’t need to play NACHI police.
Nick has answered to the best of his ability, so what any one else thinks is not important.
I like it how all of you just proved my point about being immature…how old are most of you? Obviously not old enough to realize that the bickering and the useless castigation that goes on is immature. I have read this BB for a long time now trying to figure out if Home Inspection would be a good career change. But from what I see on this board its not selling just yet. Some of you need to grow up big time. Like Jason said “some” of you are good guys but the rest need to grow up and act your age and choose to reflect positively on HI in general let alone NACHI. You make yourself and your affiliation look bad!
Let me be the 1st one to welcome you to the NACHI BB. There is a lot of great information on this BB that can help you make a decision about entering the unique world of inspections. There are some that want to fire the 1st shot over the bow to get a response from others. Please try not to feed thier misguided attempts. The BB can be a great resource to anyone looking to enter the field.
Good luck to you, and if you would like some advice feel free to call and/or email me with any questions.
Strange when I ask you a question I am playing police.
But It is OK for you to challenge others.
All the best Jason you have proved you are just like the other one who likes to post here and cause trouble Dave Bottoms who just keeps hanging around and asking like he always did silly questions and did his best to cause strife. . You are correct I will do as you suggest not follow along.
Of course you do not have the ability to ignore you will constantly look to see what I and others are doing.
I guess you are about as successfully at home inspections as he is.
A giving hand is always welcomed.
I will help anyone who needs or wants it, all my info is public knowledge.
If someone is using a faux name, it will show in later posts.
I will continue to try and add to the professionalism of this BB and industry to the best of my ability, without firing the 1st shot over the bow
Even Mr Bottoms, though I don’t personally know him, may want or need some advise in a non-confrontational manner
Thank you very much Mr. Peterson! Its nice to know there is some professionalism in HI and people like you make NACHI look very welcoming. As for the comment about Mr. Bottoms from the Cookie Monster up there, real professional Roy you are so warm and inviting. Roy let this D Bottoms guy hang out where he belongs. Don’t ya’ll always say “Dont feed them and they wont come back!”
And its real professional of you to complete the member profile. Now thats mature and professional on your part. Why hide your identity, location, et ceteras?
Contrary to your beliefs, all the postees are professionals, just because they express their personal opinions doesn’t make them amatures or immature.
I dont understand how keeping my location, etc. confidential is hurting me from being professional. I actually think it is my business and basically none of yours, thank you Mr. Wand. For the record, I think expressing personal opinions is great. But completely attacking someone from every angle like I have seen on this BB is absolutely UN-PROFESSIONAL and I am very sorry but YOUR colleagues are guilty of it. Not me. All I am looking for out of this site is good insight on the business and professional world of HI and if it is worth pursuing, thats all!
I know that your words are meant to condemn the actions of some, but you must understand that thousands are reading them - and are encouraged by them.
Hundreds of thousands of dollars per year are spent by home inspectors through special interests to limit the number of competitors they have, through legislative efforts… If you can be discouraged from entering the profession simply by what you read on a message board, you have provided an additional incentive to them to continue.
Whatever your future choices, sir, I hope that you find a career suitable to the thickness of your skin. Good luck.
Many of us choose this business not for the money but for the freedom it allows us, furthermore many of us rate that freedom by counting how many busybodies (who obviously know what is best for us) we can tell to piss off in a day. Having not caught on to this career perk would leave me to believe that you are not cut out to be a home inspector and it might be best for you to… Piss off. :mrgreen:
If you can’t provide the simplist of information then you are hiding something. Thus far I haven’t read anything that would add legitimacy to your posts. Any professional would have no trouble stating who they are and where they live, unless of course they have something to hide.
HAHA Mr. Burkeson, if you are the NACHI career counselor and you arent in it for the money then what does your husband do for a living? You just made NACHI look bad and furthermore I dont even need to direct comments your way cuz you make yourself look even worse. How old are you, 10? For every Mr. Peterson there is Mr. Burkeson that makes everyone look bad. Thus why I finally had to speak up cuz Joe is obviously not gonna stop making himself look like perfection until someone challenges him. Challenge Sustained!:mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Sorry if I offended your good graces, you may if you choose to take this issue up with NACHI’s Dispute Manager a Ms. Helen Wait. Yes, that is correct Jordan for any unresolved problems with me please go to… Helen Wait.
Or you may call her directly at 1-800-eat-$hit :mrgreen:
While this message board allows you to remain annonymous and post almost any drivel you can think of, you shouldn’t expect much respect here as true professionals don’t hide and then pretend they are above those who are not hiding Mr. Burkeson has it about right. IMHO.
Hey Jordan don’t take it personal, I am just helping Nick Gromicko institute a new policy on reducing message board hypersensitivity, you can read all about it here. Think of yourself as a test-tube project that will benefit all of mankind.
Regarding your career switch into home inspections; my guess is that you should stay in your current chosen profession, no doubt you will someday with great perseverance and dumb luck get past the cue card thingy and will finally memorize that crucial line… “Do you want fries with that?” :mrgreen:
Ummm, Roy, this thread is titled “Hey Nick” not “Hey Roy”. If you want to ask me questions then start a thread named “Hey Jason”, or better yet just email me, you have my address.
Besides, don’t you have company coming today? Step away from here and enjoy your company, they are much more important then what goes on here.
LOL! Nothing says maturity like asserting that someone is homosexual to add extra provocation to a counter-reply. Yes Froto, you are a credible judge of character.:roll::roll: :roll: