Hey Nick

I’m planning to go that astm thing in Sept … if there is room at the inn.

You buying drinks for me and all the ASHI guys that I can round up?:wink:

You can have a big glass of our special NACHI koolaid.

Don’t you be feeding the cat, now, Carl.:roll:


If you guys are that broke, I’ll buy.

Good one pops:D

Maybe we can have a “Help Save ASHI” booth, and raffle off those quilts somebody mentioned on another board.

[Sophie](http://www.abouthomes.info/pics/Kitty sleep.jpg) needs a new quilt.

ASHI is fine - membership is way up.


Got any sources to prove this?

Actually, ASHI’s membership is way down. Not ASHI’s fault, every association including state associations are losing members (every association except for NACHI that is).

Dan, you are most welcome to attend. ASHI and NACHI are on the same team on this battle and yes I’ll buy all the drinks you can drink. See ya there.

OAHI which is an ASHI affiliate - membership is down as are its revenues. Money is so tight they sought special assessment at the AGM and put membership dues up the year previous. And there is not a conservative budget in place as required by the by-laws; in fact its anything but conservative.


How would you kmow you are not even a member of any Home inspectors association.
… I am… Cookie

ASHI has a membership drive on. Bring in a new member and receive a $50 cash card.

Sounds like a bounty…:wink:

So, a Referral Rewards Program. From a marketing standpoint, I like it. I wonder if it will work as well for them as it does for me and a few other NACHI members.

He just gave his self away Roy.

tr.v. shang·haied, shang·hai·ing, shang·hais

  1. To kidnap (a man) for compulsory service aboard a ship, especially after drugging him.
  2. To induce or compel (someone) to do something, especially by fraud or force: We were shanghaied into buying worthless securities.

21 inspectors joined NACHI today http://www.nachi.org/memberstats.htm

…and the night is young!


A professional self regulating body should not have to offer such cash rewards.

Sure, but if you are only getting around 210 renewals per month then you are down to about 2500 members. I think that is more telling.