HGTV, House Detective

Originally Posted By: cmccann
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Any thoughts on this TV program? I have mine, but before I put them out there was interested if anybody watches this show?


Originally Posted By: Blaine Wiley
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Aw c’mon Chuck, tell us what YOU think too.

I've only watched the show a few times. After inspecting all week, it's probably as much fun for me as a Chef watching the food channel. Just don't want to see any more houses.

I think they tend to dwell on house defects. I've haven't seen a show where they didn't have a house that had a bunch of stuff wrong, but it looked nice walking into it. Just doesn't convey the real world to me, but then, neither does much else on HGTV or DIY. ![icon_question.gif](upload://t2zemjDOQRADd4xSC3xOot86t0m.gif)

Originally Posted By: cmccann
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Blaine, I agree what a bunch of crap. I have also watched maybe a few times. When I see it’s on I get all excited to see what there doing, but that show always leaves ya hangin. Not much real info just a lot of crap. Is it just me or is ASHI involved? Tonight this guy did not have the name of his company on his shirt, but a huge ASHI patch. I truly belive that we could do so much better. You know show up with a case of Iron City and a flashlight and tell them there all screwed end of story. icon_lol.gif icon_lol.gif


Originally Posted By: psabados
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Hey guys

You may not know it, but at the HGTV/House Detective website, I discovered a NACHI link.,1806,HGTV_3852_6025,00.html. See, they just can't get away from us. ![nachi_nachi.gif](upload://uHOMNyaTr9Egc1VkzoQvcptyboG.gif)

An technically they always say, make sure your inspector is CERTIFIED! So in some aspects it does have its advantages.

I feel sorry for the camera crew, you know, crawl spaces, three story high roofs.


Originally Posted By: ekartal
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Decent show for newcomers. But it seems like evey house is 100 years old.

Erol Kartal

Originally Posted By: jfarsetta
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That’s okay, guys…

I was at a NYNACHI meeting, and started ranking on an episode where the inspector was commenting on moldings, detail, and artwork. Like, what thell he11 does THAT have to do with the condition of the house!

Suddenly, from across the table, and down two inspectors, someone looked at me and said, "It wasn't my fault! They asked me what I thought of the paintings, and edited everything else out!"

Yup, it was a "House Detective" at a NACHI meeting. I LMAO...

Joe Farsetta

Illigitimi Non Carborundum
"Dont let the bastards grind you down..."