Originally Posted By: Brian A. Goodman This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
It occurs to me that if I’m going to visit you fellas I should introduce myself. I’m an ex- and sometimes carpenter (8 years) who sold wholesale electrical supplies for several years. I did appraisal for a year (talk about a crooked business!) before moving into home inspection, way happier with the latter.
I'm a C-2 over at ASHI (easy now...) and I joined the ICC a couple of months ago. I recognize a handful of names here, not many. I'm here to mine those nuggets of information that pass through every day, and to form a first-hand opinion about the NACHI bretheren instead of a second-hand one.
I love HI message boards, the best CE there is in my book. I'm a prolific poster wherever I go, because I believe in participation when learning (and I'm a typical hard-headed HI, full of opinions and...other stuff). To rid myself of my ignorance I must expose it to the light of day. Mostly I'm known for good natured BS, denouncing the unethical, and inspection poetry.
I'll try to behave. 
Originally Posted By: jpeck This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Brian A. Goodman wrote:
SO, are you still an ASHI candidate, or did you let that go?
I spent most of the summer on "administrative suspension" in protest of Branding, but I'm still in at the moment.
Sound like me, except that I did pay the extra $250.00.
Just not sure I will re-up. I suppose I may let it run out by default, hard to separate after 15 years. Like a relationship turned sour, nothing there any more, but you still hate to let it go.
Originally Posted By: dbowers This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Brian -
You're in good company. In my local A$HI Chapter we lost the President, Vice President and Treasurer as well as several other 10+ year members to the Tatooing Program (Darn I keep getting that wrong - its Branding).