HI Training was for the birds

Well if “some” got under the wire, that cast a shadow on the whole works!
As to CMI being recognized more than RHI can you back that statement up?

Not controlled by a money making group? How can you make an unqualified statement like that? Have you seen the books?

…See the Books now that is funny real funny no one has seen the Books or knows what is going on in OAHI or CAHPI For many many moons.
I wonder will they have a full audit this year .
I offered to pay for an audit in 2004 and still no one has any idea of who, what ,why or ,where the figures are…
Gee I saw how they both work and that is proof enough for me.
…RHIs have the OAHI site that is closed to any outsiders.
CMI has its own web site open to all .
…RHIs do what for other ZERO.
CMI helps others .
.RHIs have increased members in many years…
Cmi does not continue to try and keep others out.
.RHIs are so upset they tend to ignore other home isnpectors…
CMI members are no secretive and try to help all.
…RHIs are recoginised by all 200~ RHIs.
CMI is recoginised by some states.

…Cookie … NACHI is the one for me.

Not true Roy, we have seen the books and that is what has caused the alarm with us in OAHI. As to CAHPI/National seen them too.

CMI where the credential is questionable for all to see!

As I said before it seems to me to that the ones on the outside looking in are the most concerned .
We CMIs are very satisfied and out clients too seem to be exceptionally pleased .
Three this morning where impressed to have a great team do the inspection for them .
Well see a set of books that do not balance to me seems like you did not see the books.
How about the help that is only given by CMIs how about the CMI web site how about what CMIs have done for others .
Again I say you do not hear many complaints from CMIs now those others sure are upset from what I understand there Returns are just about ZIP.

… Cookie …
NACHI where all even NON members are welcome to visit and post .
No other association comes Even close.

But Roy … like all the other inspection related titles no one in the public or real estate field knows anything about the titles or the associations, particularly in Ontario and even more so in my geographic area.

You could be right but you do not have enough money to get me to trade my CMI for National Certification and RHI even with free membership for the rest of my life.
I know good value when I see it .
Where else do home Inspectors get to communicate like this and present the facts.

How can you see good value when no one knows anything about it?
Can you assure everyone that everyone has gone through the same review, et ceteras?

No I am sure one Canadian who used to Complain the loudest about the CMI never sent in his Notarized statement.


… so who oversees CMI, another self regulating body? How do you know its on the up and up? Did you get a copy of the bylaws, et cetera?

NO not interested extremely satisfied with the returns.
By laws are only as good as those who enforce them .
Past experience has shown most directors do not follow them any way.
My Bank book tells me how great the CMI is.
Incidentally the new CMI Patches are outstanding .
The best I have ever seen .

As per usual NACHI shines again over all other associations. by far.

… but…but, Roy you appear to be hypocritical, the same things you chastised CAHPI/National for seem apply to CMI and NACHI. Not criticizing your membership, but it like all the rest self regulating with no outside oversite, and we both know what that leads to.

No Ray I paid for my NACHI member ship then won a life time membership. Char and I also paid for our CMIs and sent in the Notarized affidavit as required.
Strange if the NCA was as well run as NACHI they would of had me for a member .
I Got my money back from the NCA same as you to bad their Loss our gain.
