Please remember you can use it as part of your business strategy.
The home owner looking to rent this item still has to get past the hurdles of use, sellers agreement to use, and everything else that goes into the HI. Wiring, plumbing, structure and defect recignition.
Turn it around to your advantage.
So you do not have to carry a large investment tool and drop $9000 plus on a possible too.
If you enter the IR nech market you now have the experience and have tried the product.
Love the idea.
I disagree.
There will always be the exception, but most of my clients understand that practical knowledge and experience matter here. I have done at least 6 inspections for people who had access to IR cameras. In a couple cases, better cameras than mine, they all completely understood that they did not know how to use it in a house. They also had no problem paying me more than many of my competitors because they completely understood the value of training. For the segment of the population that are dye in the wool DIYers and would rather rent the camera, so be it. I probably didn’t need the hassle. For the inspectors that might go rent one from time to time, and waste their money, who cares? They are not really competing with me anyway.
As far as the cheapo rental - I already have to deal with that in my area. There are several guys around with bottom of the line bare minimum cameras that cannot see s**t unless there are perfect conditions, but they can advertise having IR. One more thing to talk about when making the sale to the client.
Just like the dishonest inspectors that claim IR is all smoke and mirrors that adds nothing to the inspection - which could not be farther from the truth. I love it when I have a soon to be client say, “I have talked to several other inspectors who say IR is just a gimmick. They guarentee they can find anything you can even though they do not have a IR camera.” It is a easy sell to save them from hiring those dishonest or misinformed inspectors. Because I know for a FACT that I routinely find problems with my IR that they would NEVER FIND. Yes, it is important to confirm findings with other methods, but if you do not know the problem is present, it is a little hard to put your moisture meter on it. Or the countless, yes countless, homes I have inspected that had significant missing insulation in completely inaccessible areas. I guess those guys see through walls or something or they just lie about their findings like they lied to get the job. Thankfully, from my experience they don’t convince most clients.
IR is a tool. But it requires knowledge, experience and training to properly use this tool. In the long run, this will help my business, because it will help market the technology.
I agree with you. You have a keen sense of the market place and everything that is going on in the HI industry.
From marketing strategy to plain observation of whom is capable of using such a device to fully understand its enormous INVESTIGATIVE potential when used PROPERLY.
It means neither here nor there and should not reflect any major shift in the HI industry.
DIY’S are just that. Do it yourself’es.
Nothing to get your shots in a knot about.
I agree with Kevin as well. Having Home Depot advertise and promote IR will only help our trade. They rent jack hammers, ditch witch, tile cutters and a bunch of other stuff…just had a thought. I was finishing a kitchen re model a few years back when the client asked for a few other “extras” she was willing to pay me and was a very good customer. I told her Mary, this one is too easy, save a few dollars and let your husband do it. I was just tring to be nice to a good customer. Her reply was…
JOHN, if my husband picks up a hammer I immediately dial 911 and then you!
So lets enjoy the free marketing the HD will be doing for us.
Interesting. I just came across this thread.
4 years later, and I can’t say I’ve noticed any FLIR cameras at Home Depot.
Exactly my thoughts. Doesn’t seem to have killed the business.
I was renting a stump grinder the other day. They had an e6 sitting on the shelf. I asked the guy behind the desk if it was rented frequently, he said not much. He did explain that he pulled the panel cover in the rental department and that they had major issues! Lots of hot wires and breakers. Clearly no clue on what he was looking at. It would be a backup camera in a pinch if mine goes down though.
I rented a stump grinder the other day and they had an e6. I asked the retail guy of it rented much. He said no, but you could really see a lot with it. He pulled the cover on the electrical panel in the rental department and there were several breakers that were about to fail. Clearly no knowledge on thermal imaging. It is a backup camera in a pinch though.
How much do they charge for renting the IR camera?
John - I signed up for your course and sent you a follow up email yesterday but have not heard back. Did you get my email? Thanks Ken
Yes, and I just sent you a response again.
Please check your spam folder.
Let me know if my emails are not reaching you.
If they are not, can you send me another email
address? The welcome letter with instructions
has a lot of links in it and your server might
be blocking it or your spam folder is swallowing
it. Let me know.
Sorry, but this happens sometimes.
Just checked both my inbox and spam and do not see anything… weird. can you double check the email address - (or you can try my yahoo account - Thanks…
I just sent your class instructions to your yahoo email address.
I have sent several to the other address, but I guess they are not going through.
I called you twice and got no answer.
Let me know when you get your class instructions.
(sorry for the thread drift)
I sent you a personal message with the info you needed. Let’s get off of the forum, since this is thread drift. Thanks.
Sorry that you were having problems getting my emails.
$53/4 hours $75/day
I touched bases with someone from FLIR. Home Desperate, I mean Depot began testing this about 4 years ago in some areas. But, like most things with Home Depot their people are clueless about thermal imaging and it has not caught on. Smart contractors are going to stay away from it and home owners if they do rent will only create their own problems.
Not worried one bit.