Originally Posted By: Tom Shackelford This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Could anyone tell me a little bit about the Home Inspection industry? My name is Tom and I live in Rhode Island. I am looking to make a career change, but before I do I have some questions. 1) Is finding work difficult? 2) Should I think of a franchise opportunity to get new business clients? 3) What is a good school for training? Any other comments would be most helpful and thanks.
Originally Posted By: tmercer This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
First off, check local state requirements, check the market and see what your competition is. ITA has a great school. Franchise, nah not me. and second. It takes a long time to become a good inspector. Definetely join NACHI for all your help needs.
Originally Posted By: rcloyd This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Keep in mind that with many new businesses (Home inspection notwithstanding) it can take 2 to 3 years before the business is profitable.
It would be wise to have a supplemental source of income until your company is running in the black.
I agree with Thomas, no franchise for me. I suppose they have worked for many but I like the fact that everything about my business such as name, logo and services offered are my brainchild. Joining NACHI has been very positive for my company. I highly recommend it.