Hello all
I have been a member since 2007 and have not posted very much over the years but today I have decided to post this request.
I have a family member that is also a fellow Home Inspector and his 5 year son has recently had a swimming accident. He and his wife have not been able to work because they are up at the hospital by his side. I have added a link below for any of those that would like to donate to help keep his parents by his side. Any amount will be fine $1,$2, $3, $10, $20 whatever, it will start to add up for them. The doctors have said that he shows signs of some brain damage by the test they have done but my family believes in healing and are praying for a full recovery. If your heart dose not lead you to donate please pray for this family.
Yes I am a member of NACHI and spoke to Lisa today. No one has hacked my account and I know it sounded like a Nigeria plea for money but it is not I assure you. I want to thank Nick for reaching out to me today through email to confirm my membership and that It was legit.
I feel if some one can raise money for a Cat then we as fellow inspectors can raise money for a fellow inspector’s kid that drowned and now is hanging on by a thread. If the money is raised they will not have to worry about their mortgage payment for a time and any other expense. My cousin does not know about this fund we are planning on blessing him with it. As far as paypal payment I can see if I can set something up. I do feel that gofundme is a safe way to donate. At this point I am willing to help them out however I can.
Spencer, In addition to the go fund me donations, you and your family, and the 5 year old boy, have heart felt prayers going out to you and your family. I’ll see what I can do.
The Poor Widow’s Offering
41And He sat down opposite the treasury, and began observing how the people were putting money into the treasury; and many rich people were putting in large sums. 42A poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, which amount to a cent. 43Calling His disciples to Him, He said to them, "Truly I say to you, this poor widow put in more than all the contributors to the treasury;…
I just wanted to give an update on my cousins son and to say thank you for all the well wishes and donations.
He is off the ventilator as of now and has opened his eyes some. They are giving him oxygen and have been able to take him off the sedation a little. His lungs are clearing, He has been in the hospital for 26 days so continue to pray for them for it will be a long recovery for him. Also the goal has been meet at 10,000.00 dollars and the new total is $15,905.00!!! awesome!!! The need to give is still there as they are not out of the woods yet. I want to thank each and everyone who opened this post and said a prayer after reading it, it has helped so much.