I suppose you guys could work out a deal with mega contractors like Meeker Enterprises and mentor under them. One hand washes the other, sometimes things just work out this way.
What are the realtors associations views on this? Aren’t they a strong ally?
“Ignore the Noise”
Thank You Russ and all others in the background working on this. Most of us all know who you are and I personally thank you.
As far as the tree falling , this tree started to fall back in 1999-2000 with ASHI never taking a firm stand against the Div 1 contractors and their associations (FHBA) trying to regulate our business. Some of you may not have been in this business then ! So we must now pay for the industry not taking a firm stance and wobbling on the stance of just let things stand where they were, “no license needed”.
To all of those working so hard as Eric says " Ignore the Noise", most people that complain don’t have a clue! Rock On !
Just because we don’t post don’t mean nothing is being done. Being in this spectator sport so people from out of state can point fingers and play blame games is not my business model. Far to busy working and providing customer service while dealing with my DBPR my own way. But thanks for the concern.:roll:
Thanks Wayne and I appreciate all you do.
Russ. Is this recording available to hear?
Likewise Russ
Yep…for anyone wanting to hear it and download it, it is here.
You can download your files at https://attach.dbpr.state.fl.us/fcweb/GET/J56H761M6SW4R6D7
Rick Morrison the president of DBPR sent this to me. Super guy and he is super busy and yet he gave me fast service…was a pleasure
Thank you.
So why don’t some of you tell others how they can help instead of acussing us of complaining when we speak of what others have done for 10 or 12 years. I have been here less than a year. You want the new members to help piss on your fire, tell them how to help
Anyone who takes the time to listen to the recordings will have a better understanding of what we are up against.
To inspectors in UNLICENSED states and provinces:
Watch and observe.
This is what happens when you turn over the control of your business to your government. It no longer belongs to you.
As they panic and scramble for last minute changes to make the best of a bad situation, Florida inspectors are slowly discovering that “licensing” their profession did little more than to initiate a process where now every special interest group with a paid lobbyist can tweak and modify the law to its own advantage … and at the expense of the inspector.
These few inspectors might be able to overcome the odds and, through compromise, win a battle here and there … but the war will not end until a long series of unpleasant compromises have been made in favor of special interest groups to ensure that a home inspector is totally harmless and non-threatening to any of their real estate transactions, insurance matters or contracting initiatives. The HI business, when controlled by the state, must be for the good of ALL … not just the inspection business owner.
Notice how even those who initially claimed that they “had no concerns either way” are now madly scrambling against this first … of a long series of many more … attempts to neutralize home inspectors and their abilities to encroach upon the established political territories that have long belonged to other special interests.
Just as the proponents of Florida HI licensing said as they spoke in “secret” before they got their bill passed … it doesn’t matter what the law says when you pass it. Passing the initial law is the difficult part. Let it say anything so that inspectors are at ease with it and don’t fight it and then, once it is law, simply lobby for “minor” changes each year until it is ultimately the bill you want. This is what these guys in Florida are experiencing and what they must be financially and emotionally committed to devote themselves to on a 24/7 basis from this point on with the same degree of enthusiasm they expend in the development of their businesses.
Texas was the first state to be licensed and the inspectors who were there at the time will tell you without reservation that it was never their intent to have their industry controlled by the Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC) with real estate salesmen writing and controlling their SOP and eligibility requirements as they do, today. It was not the original law or intent of the law … but little by little … the inspectors lost. New inspectors starting in Texas, today, will not know the difference. Nor will new inspectors in Florida notice, after a few years of modifications, or think that it is a very big deal either. To them, “it’s always been this way and I knew it before I applied for my license”.
Consider all of these factors before thinking that a licensing bill in your state or province should be worthy of your support. There are many lessons to be learned by watching those who have taken the step before you.
Thank you James.
The best one can hope for when licensing gets enacted is a benign situation.
But often those who seek control do not let that happen.
This is just the tip of the iceberg the real change occurs when everything is standardized, then the pricing will truly be controlled and the profession becomes a cheap commodity dictated by others.
Hey, make sure you get that toilet installed in your truck before this happens because you’re surely gonna need it then.
Adiós assholes, I’m off this thread, kiss my freedom lovin’ ***!
Well said James…
Right on James!
But they can now do a wind mit for $45 dollars!
It was $20 John remember and I am standing on top of an eight thousand square foot home right now!
You lucky folks better follow that advice.
Listen, everyone is blaming everyone.
Why is it the contractors board fault?
The electrical contractrs board fault?
The landscaping boards fault?
The plumbing boards fault?
What is their purpose? To promote and advance their profession, and that is EXACTLY what they are doing.
I will place the blame on many, many people…ALL of them, Home Inspectors, to include ME. Lets stop placing blame, thowing names, he did this, they did that. Lets TAKE CONTROL OF OUR PROFESSION!
It’s in our hands. Nick is not going to do it, Steve is not going to do it…if you have not done something, then don’t complain. If you want to be a part of the process, get involved, if not then don’t get in our way.
If I was on the contractors board and saw a profession no one wanted, why not try and scoop it up?
The blame, people, lies at home!
Stop looking behind, that is the past. I cannot see where I am going when constantly looking in my rear view mirror. Lets look towards the future, work cohesively and work towards a better profession.
If you want a better profession, I have the best person in the world who can help you, he may be kinda lazy, but can be motivated somehow and some way.
Go into the bathroom and look into the mirror…thats the guy who needs to help and help now…
Yeah. It is eye-opening.