Originally Posted By: Blaine Wiley This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Cumbersome, and on NCR paper, which is outdated. HomePro was big in your area when I was inspecting there, and most of the agents didn’t like the report. The book is big and impressive, but most clients will never read it.
If you are looking for a reporting system, find one that is done on computer, and allows you to insert pictures and customize it to the needs of your area.
Originally Posted By: pehrenpreis This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Thanks for [a] your response.
The question applied to both the "paper" and "electronic" versions of this product.
Yes, it is more of a "checklist" type of system. Are "narrative" types of systems/reports being used more and more? what do the clients (buyers) prefer? and importantly, what is better from a liability standpoint (assuming a quality/thorough inspection?)