Originally Posted By: bwiley This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Well, after much playing with several different software demos, and getting thoroughly tired of my old, archaic word based inspection software, I made the switch this past week to HomeGauge reporting software.
I have already gotten a compliment from a Realtor who said the report is easier to read and understand. Not bad to get a compliment after only four reports.
The software is easy to use, pictures are easy to load, and the report is very easy to customize. The verbiage makes sense, so I can only say so far that I love it!! 
So without sounding like a salesman for them, If you want to try the software you can download the trial version from www.homegauge.com and play with it, but be careful, you'll buy it.
Originally Posted By: gbeaumont This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hi Blaine,
Conratulations on being dragged into the 21st century   , I love the homeguage software and have been a big fan of it for the last 3 years. I too get great feedback from it and that alone has secured me referals from one of Floridas biggest commercial brokers.
My last report for a hotel here was 70 plus pages , the buyers agent loved it, need I say more
Originally Posted By: Blaine Wiley This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
The software is $845. They don’t charge for each uploaded report. I signed up for the Gold package which is $30 per month or $300 per year regardless of the number of reports. It also gives a bunch of other bennies, like another listing on another inspector search, and other things I haven’t had time to play with yet.
Homegauge's support seems really good too. I had an issue, called them and they weren't in a hurry to get off the phone, they took the time to make sure I understood what to do. For a computer illiterate person like me, that was big time important.
70 pages Gerry  That must have been some property
Originally Posted By: gbeaumont This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
70 pages Gerry That must have been some property
Blaine, it was a 22 room hotel done as a room by room report, Russell at Homeguage spent an hour on the phone with me helping me build a template to speed up the reporting process.