Has anyone ever come across this before? This is a Homeline 40/80 load center that the panel cover (dead front) doesn’t quite fit. The edge of the breakers on the left side are under the cover, not in the opening. All of the breakers seem to be seated properly.
Did you actually VERIFY that the installed breakers match the Manufacturers required breakers as stated on the panel label??
Don’t say yes unless you did, because we all know that is the problem here!!
Yes, Homeline panel; Homeline breakers.
I have seen it before. Just kinda guessed covers got switched somehow.
Did you remove the panel cover and reinstall or is that the way you found it? Often there is some wiggle room to get both sides properly seated. I’ve seen some lazy electricians just slap the cover on without enuring that it was properly seated.
It was like that prior to removing the cover. I thought the same thing, the electrician wasn’t paying attention and put it on wrong. But, I spent 20 minutes trying to get it balanced. It was either one side or the other just didn’t fit right. I’ve only seen this one other time in a larger 40/80 panel. The smaller panels don’t seem to have the same problem.
I have. Very frustrating trying to realign the dead front. Take caution. Sometimes break/s will be loose.
By the looks of it, whoever removed the Knock-out covers did so forcefully, instead of taking their time using the right tool, and likely twisted the dead front enough to take the shape it is now.
Write it up if you wish but I see no real issues.
Good eye Robert, I didn’t notice that.
There was only one defect that I could find in this service panel worth reporting. Can you find it?
If you look at the width of the center metal strip and look at the gap between the breakers there appears to be an alignment issue with the way the CB’s sit in the panelboard. I don’t see the MBJ (green screw).
I didn’t either Robert, but thought those more knowledgeable than me would verify this.
It’s not too often that I see a new service in a flip house. And it was a very professional installation as well. Not sure why they would have forgotten the bonding screw though.
Robert M beat me to it.
Great work Robert.
You know it’s been some time that I opened panel fronts at every inspection.
2 clients called me about AL when I stated copper lighting circuits. As usual my heart racing I investigated both cases and low and behold what I could see was CU but AL was reported on the first and second floors during renovations.
Time to open fronts again.
Thanks Richard.
Keep well.
That’s how it looks from here, especially the breakers at the left side. And overall the breakers at left side and right side appear to be too far apart. Compared to all the Square D panels I’ve looked at
Two different people. There is no way the same person that wired the panel, butchered the cover like that, So… Two different people, or two different parts!
Again… was the panel label verified, and not just the one on the cover?
(We don’t know the cover is the original one for that panel box).
Was there a disconnect at the meter?
I don’t think the Homeline panels have as good quality control and materials as the QO line. Could be a cover or multiple other things way out of tolerance.
Compared to the QO line, Homeline is the half-breed, bastard child of the family!
Some Square D covers have a floating inner panel of the cover.
So…is it a defect? What are the consequences?
No. None.