Simon, no sir i cannot n will not do that, no sir. (a simple admisssion that INT systems work)
I’ll put it like this for now, IF and when AFTER going through ALL the possible ways water can get in basements and water still winds up on basement floor then sure, go right ahead and install a partial or full system, but THAT is one of the big problems in this business… the INT system chumps and quite a few homeowners don’t go through the full list of possibilities of the water intrusion, NOPE!
Can, could the installation of an INT basement system “keep water off the floor”, for awhile? Yes sir, of course.
But just because these lying morons are sometimes successful in keeping water ‘off the floor’ does not ever mean, they were honest at the start during the intial inspection/estimate to all homeowners and doesn’t mean the INT terds ‘stopped’ the water from where it was actually entering (like through an EXT crack in block wall which highly likely would have cost much less $ to fix).
I see n hear this incompetent crap all the time from some homeowners who called n hired n had an INT system installed, they say “Markkkkky, i don’t see, get water on my floor anymore after Pee Wee waterproofing installed their system.”
Yes, they are sometimes successful in diverting INCOMING water through walls, that doesn’t quite mean they were HONEST, doesn’t mean the INT system was truly what was needed n again doesn’t mean they were successful in ‘WATERPROOFING’ the basement or the actual existing problem.
When a homeowner tells me that crap, they don’t get water on floor anymore, i ask them, "Ok Mrs Jimmy Beam thats fine, may i ask you how much money you spent of the system? And they say, waay too much, or they tell me the actual number which is many more thousands of dollars was spent when they only were leaking in one or two areas due to a 1 - 2 cracks in wall or some rod holes etc, could have spent MUCH less and would have STOPPED the water from where it is… STILL entering lol
POINT, some homeowners are verrry HAPPY lol that after installing an INT system that cost $15,000 to $25,000 they don’t get water in anymore n they THINK their problems were actually fixed, when they weren’t! Say nth time, they spent many thousands more than necessary for a water diverting system
I can tell ya’s i have seen MANY< MANY times where after a long, heavy rain, homeowners call… they tell me they had Foundation Systems out for an EST, and Everdry and so on and they all wanted to install a full perimeter system n sump… NONE of them brought up the possibility that there could be a problem, a clog etc in the lateral line/clean out… in many cases i have seen, THIS is all the homeowners needed!!! What the INT system chumps do is, THEY will have a plumber come and SNAKE while they are installing their QUACK system… ya folla?
The ONLY thing needed was snaking YET, they continue with their INT system even though it was not at all necessary, homeowners out many thousands