the mold, efflorescence is what most INT system co’s will hide, will cover up, that’s right , they don’t want you to see this - gee i wonder why
the water source that is CAUSING most of this crap on the inside is coming from, THROUGH an exterior crack (s), cracked parging… and possibly some other direct openings into the house/basement
when i take a HOSE and lay it on the ground near the corners, water begins to enter on the basement floor… it enters where the bottom of the basement wall meets the floor – but again, lol it is FIRST ENTERING into cores of the blocks on the outside, through cracks, cracked parging etc.
There is NO, supposed bs sales pitch line, hydrostatic pressure problem under the floor. The salespeople of these INT system co’s use that line of crap and quite a few others to sway you into their water diverting system. The more they confuse you the better for them
sometimes, some blocks will deteriorate, DISINTEGRATE… like this… not good eh so installing ANY TYPE of interior basement drainage system will NOT repair, waterproof anything like this, you NEED to STOP the water from entering
underground TREE ROOT ‘caused’ exterior cracks near this corner, installing ANY interior basement drainage system and sump pump does NOT remove tree roots etc that cause some of these foundation wall cracks and susequent leaks in basement… and mold and efflorescence
see the cheap white crap against the bottom blocks? yes? lolol Many INT system co’s place this garbage against the bottom blocks and sometimes up higher to hide, to conceal existing defects – deteriorated blocks! And hide mold, effloresnce, water etc, yep they sure do.
next few photos are a smidgeon of what the INT system scammers don’t want people to SEE, don’t want buyers to see, don’t want a home inspector to SEE
deteriorated blocks = existing defects all buyers should know before they bid on a friggin house
so again for the nth time, this is one reason WHY interior system co’s will place, attach some sort of plastic or vinyl etc along the bottom blocks, UNDERSTAND? lol They want to hide, conceal these existing problems/defects BUYERS would like to know about