Yes sir Neil,
here, hydraulic cement was already applied in-over all exterior cracks etc in block basement wall n now tarred (roofing cement) 'n visqueen, then entire trench is backfilled with all gravel. There were multiple exterior cracks and cracked parging in block basement wall which was why the basement leaked and had quite a bit of efflorescence and mold on inside blocks
… this job we did ‘in sections’, we did the corners first and left a bank of clay soil in middle to help support bank while we did the corners
This next job was in St Clair Shores… job was right on canal (backyard) and Lake St Clair a few houses away ( a supposed -NOT- high water table area pft)
Say again, canal in backyard, maybe 20’ from back basement wall, look at BOTTOM of trench, drain tiles, see any WATER? loll Where the high water table? Where’s the supposed BS-line… hydrostatic pressure that INT system co’s always BS homeowners about?
And here was day i gave them estimate, INSIDE their basement, inside system would have cost MUCHO $$$$ and again would NOT have stopped water from entering basement, would not have stopped-prevented mold, efflorescence etc nope
Here’s a view of the canal in back and what jobs look like after we move a ton of clay and move a ton of peastone, say again Lake St Clair a few houses away, canal in backyard so where the hlllllll is this supposed, continued constant BS high water table and supposedly EVERYBODY’s problem → a hydrostaic pressure problem under peoples basement floors pftt, wayyy waaaaaaaay overused LIE to get homeowners to install interior basement drainage systems
Okay, this house is 2 houses plus a lil more footage OFF Lake St Clair, same street as above house–leaky basement, see the exterior cracked parging and SEE the STUPID DRAIN TILES, where is this excess water, supposed water, supposed hydrostatic pressure problem, the supposed high water table = again an often used LIE to get homeowners who have leaky basements CONFUSED and have these fraudulent morons install an interior drainage system and sump pump
Same house St Clair Shores… see the LAKE lol, hydraulic cement applied on back corner as guys dig out part of side block basement wall
Note-- if a homeowner has a sprinkler system and it runs every day or other day OR it rained previous night or prior 2 days THEN… lolll, when we dig this sht out and get down to DRAIN TILES there may be some water, an inch or so DOWN there, well that doesn’t mean there is a supposed hydrostatic pressure problem , nooo, it means it just rained or water from stupid az sprinkler system made it’s way down there, it’s called friggin GRAVITY lolll sheesh
How come the homeowners in above videos NOW, after we were there, do not leak? Hmmmmmmm, surely if i was wrong and the INT drainage system chumps were right, they’d still be leaking, oh Dear.
I did NOT replace one stinking drain tile on ANY of those 3 jobs in videos above 'n all 3 i pulled permits and had city inspection lolll, imo the money spent of the inspections was a waste of homeowners money and my time to get them, why? Because city inspectors are on site for around one minute, one cannot do any kind of thorough inspection in one minute and when they don’t know WHY it leaks and, they also allow OTHERS who do exterior waterproofing to backfill with ALL the same shttyy az CLAY soil and other garbage, how screwed up is that!!! smgdh
Thanks for asking Neil loll sorry so long, i just get reallllll-tired of all the lies and myths and sht, much from the INT system scammers