how come the INT system bubbleheads don’t take videos of them on their estimates, showing us all exactly how they identify each n every homeowners problem n how come they don’t take videos of their jobs showing us how/where water is first entering, what ya afraid of? Are you on the up n up or, as some of us already know, full of shtt. They have all kinds of spare time it seems to, oh lets see, go door to door around the neighborhoods and they have lots of extra time to call n pester homeowners, gee, how about taking hundreds of videos, show how you came to your supposed expert conclusion that 99% of homeowners need aa twit-head INT system
, same house in SCS, NO lies sobs, homeowner has Parkinson’s n called OTHERS for est’s, all said he needed an INT system, one was over $20,000
WHERE is the supposed HIGH WATER TABLE here…? sheesh smfh
Many are full of shtt just on this POINT, that those who live near a lake, canal or the Pacific fkg ocean have a high water table and need stupid azz drain tiles, they actually tell homeowners this bullshit.
stupid drain tiles
ummm, hydrostatic pressure huh? High water table eh? WHERE??? We’re 6’ deep! lolol
Let’s see, you wanna spend approx. $2,500 and STOP the water from where it’s first entering or spend $12,000–20,000 on an INT pinball system and diverts the incoming water, hence won’t stop/prevent mold etc
Yeah I’m the bad guy, the DEVIL baby, just because I post videos of homeowners actual problems and solutions and when some home inspectors or realtors or INT system morons wanna disagree, fine with me, step right up and sing your bullshtt song, just like one here in Mich recently who accused my azz, a total idiot, hope he’s embarrassed as fk, call me ya lil weasel, learn something instead bullshtting people, fkgg azz.
Tell you what, when YOU HI’s come upon a leaky basement and YOU think the problem and solution is the stupid grade and that’s what you tell the seller, buyer, have them call me, let my stinky azz come over after YOUR incompetent bs and let me find the actual problem n real solution… afraid? Yes you are, fk n a you are, you won’t do it… yeah pay me $5,000 like Timmy ‘Ask the Builder’ charges homeowners to come out n tell you what he thinks your problem is, pay me, fly my stinky butt crack out n i’ll find your stupid problem… shttt, pay me $2,000 how’s that, you save 3,000 already lol