How to Fix the Inflation Problem Instantly and Permanently

All good. I outlived two of my kids. But I now know how the Afghans and Iraqis feel. Never let armed, illegal foreigners cross your borders whether they are wearing some other country’s military costume or not. Do whatever it takes to expel them. Trespassers get shot because they are supposed to get shot.


Back to inflation. We could do what we did in the depression and give all these laid off government employees something productive to do, like build the wall, rather than harassing profitable companies with regulation and tax collection.


That wouldn’t work. If a government worker gets a splinter in their finger, they would go on disability.

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Sorry for your loss, Nick.

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I’m good. The police still refuse to give me his phone because they are afraid I’ll figure out who the dealer was. I didn’t know the police still had access to what happened years ago, but they admitted they did and that is why they won’t give me his phone. Years ago, a guy beat up a female friend of mine. I found him and gave him some choices. He chose the third option and so I cut one of his finger off with a bolt cutter. This was many years ago, I don’t have a criminal record (I even have an FFL), but apparently the police here, know about the incident. Erik had a coinbase account that I’m having trouble accessing without the phone.

Actually the federal reserve pulled over $500 billion in cash out of the economy over the last 11 months. That’s roughly three times the total federal payroll.

This is news to me. Do you have more on this that I can read about?

I see it: M1 (M1SL) | FRED | St. Louis Fed


Thanks to your valuable feedback on fixing inflation problem.
Is that really helpful or just trap people consistenncy?

They could stop minting trillions of dollars earmarked for their “global warming” hoax.

I can hardly wait til the Big Red Wave prosecute Biden and son for their Zelenskyy adventures.

Or both would be even better and start with stopping funding WWlll in Ukraine.


President Joe Biden said Wednesday it was “unlikely” that a missile that killed two in NATO-ally Poland was fired from Russia, but he pledged support for Poland’s investigation into what it had called a “Russian-made” missile.

Looks like the Plunge Protection Team dropped in with helicopter fiat money at precisely 10:40 am.

Looks like the PPT fiat-money copter was a few minutes later today at 11:00.

It would be comical, if not for the fact that the scheme is financed by inflationary dollars that we, our children, and our grandchildren will have to pay to retire the debt.

Inflation Buster or Lipstick on a pig: Looks like there are cracks developing in the inflation picture… Nothing says deflation like a reduction in car prices, no? :thinking:


And mass layoff’s