Electrical next!
Just getting started
The section on service drops indicated tree branches would be heavier and hang lower in the summer. Accustomed to snow; I’ve found the opposite to be true.
Good course, retaking to refresh it’s been a year.
Good course
Gettingstarted on electrical course excited:mrgreen:
I am also just starting this course:mrgreen:
Beginning today… “don’t touch that…whattt…ouch…lol”
Sparks are flying!
Retaking course,good refresher!
I’m looking forward to this section.
But, in the real world there are ambiguities in language that are used and for ever will be so the fact the test uses real world terms is only a test to the taker of the test how to operate in a real world. Please leave the wording so one has to learn real world terms. Thank you
Starting Electrical
ready to get started
Starting Electrical Course.
Starting course now…
next course
Good point!