I laughed out loud when I saw this.
I would write it up because of the way they were connected, but apparently this stuff is being sold in the stores for some reason.
Amateur or unprofessional installation. Get it fixed by a professional plumber.
There is really no harder way to do it. It’s kind of Rube Goldberg like. You can’t help but admire it.
Can you say Cluster F in your report? At least they used P traps
No high loop for dishwash
Looks like it goes up
Looks like it’s coming down from the washer to the sink drain.
ps… Hi Steve!
Hi Marc …
I have a standard statement if I find multiple fubars: ”Based on substandard or non-standard construction observed, additions or modifications to this property may have been performed by someone other than a qualified contractor.”
Needs to be repiped for long-term performance. The trap may run dry with this noodle installation.
it obviously looks wrong, but what is the actual deficiency to write up?
There is no double trapped drain.
There is smooth walled drain pipes.
Looks like there’s a high loop.
Just not sure what this thing is…
It’s probably a AAV.
You could just note is as non-standard and may be prone to plugging and/or poor drainage.
It’s a dishwasher nipple, you can see it on the other 90 where the D/W drain is connected.
That piece is where the dishwasher or disposal hooks to. It’s just the cap when it’s not used. It’s the same piece being use in the photo where the dishwasher is hooked up to, just connected in more of an upside down position.
Ask this question, what is actually correct? The manufacturer claims to be UPC approved. UPC requires a quarter bend elbow from a horizontal to horizontal transition. These changes of direction look much smaller. None of the P traps are properly vented. The UPC says horizontal piping should be in a uniform slope. That’s just the beginning I can go on and on about this cluster f***.
Yea, I suppose the trap on the left is almost an S trap because the arm immediately goes downward.
They both are.
This inspection dates back to my days of a county building inspector. All of the sink traps in the house were of the same product from lowes and we’re all as funky as this one. I failed the inspection and recommended the homeowner contact a licensed plumber. I am making the transition to home inspector and still learning how to write narratives. Would you call out everything wrong or just make a blanket statement? Thanks for all the replies.