Read about it here
Interesting. I am also in the market for a new moisture meter and may consider the MR160.
I read your blog. You need to take a basic water damage course. The Nachi stuff does not suffice. Something I I C R C LEVEL. Your conclusions and blog would look different. It is a nice tool. But the ones you had were actually doing just fine. However, I wouldn’t own a $40 meter. Extech or Protimeter only. My unit reads temp and humidity too and gives me GPP 's. I love Flir products but if you have a meter and thermal
Camera, you don’t need this tool
OK, which course would you recommend Jeff? I have no interest in doing any remediation, or recommending specific repair procedures, the only service I want to provide is finding stuff and referring to qualified expert practitioners for remediation.
The only courses I could find on the IIRC site that applies are IR building courses, probably like the one I took frominfraspection.