I joists notching, drilling, & damage

ok i have a question on I joists. I just did a home warranty inspection for someone who is ready to call his builder before his warranty is up. I found a few issues with the engineered I beam joists. They notched a few and in doing so cut out part of the top runner of the beam. Also on a few water lines were drilled through the top plat of the beam as well. As far as I can tell those are to never be drilled or cut. So do I suggest a structural engineer or the manufacturer to inspect them? Is it an easy fix or quite extensive? I’m sure this builder will absolutely hate me, but my loyalty is to my client who could possibly be affected down the road when reselling the home or just eventuallythe home starts to sag due to aging.

Definitely defer to a Structural Engineer. The flanges are not to be modified in any way, at least not without an engineering authorization and workaround.


Wow,what a hack job. As Kevin replied, cutting the flanges seriously compromises it’s strength.
Only an SE can determine the proper correction.


Nice collection of structural problems you have there.


Thank you all for your posts. I was very surprised to find all these. It was a brand new home and the first inspector never mentioned it on the first inspection before the closing.
This was a warranty inspection that the owner asked me to do to find any issues before his warranty ran out.
I’m curious how the builder will respond as this appears to me to be quite costly to repair under a warranty situation.

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Ah those plumbers…right Martin😈


This is the work of a licenced plumber that is licenced in two states.

Yup they suck! I’ve never done that…,big no no!

The plumber needs to leave a box of Kleenex behind for the crybaby carpenters🙂

Not good, Lane…repair/replace with SE okay.

Yes, we all see it periodically. It is a result of not coordinating the floor framing and the plumbing layout. Especially with the toilet, the joists need to be properly located during framing. What is the plumber to do when the owner/plan states to put the toilet “here” and “here” has a floor joist under it? Not always the plumber or carpenter fault, but more so a combination of poor design, poor planning, inadequate framing details, and not thinking ahead. All the inspector can do is report the issue.