If you think Obama was not born in Hawaii, sign in please

Are you just now realizing that? I’ve known it for many, many years.

That is why people with a true relationship with God can tell that I was making fun of the mental midgets of Fox News and the brain dead people who rely upon them for thoughts.

You people are the joke…you just can’t hear the laughter over the shrillness of your anger and hate.

It wouldn’t bother me in the least if a valid reason were to be found that would disqualify Obama’s Presidency. I think he is bad for this country.

There is no doubt that Obama was born in HI. He is a citizen. However, being a citizen isn’t quite enough to be permitted to run for President. You have to be a “natural born” citizen. To be “natural born” at least one of your parents had to be a citizen for 10 years, 5 as an adult. His mother doesn’t count as she was not a citizen for 5 years as an adult (she was only 16 when she had Obama in HI). His father doesn’t count as his father was never a citizen. Obama is a citizen, born in the U.S., but not a natural born citizen.

Then the rest of the comments are moot.

Being born in the USA = natural born citizen.

As opposed to naturalized citizen.

Not unless both parents are US citizens.

Here’s more…

Hint - read the case law.

This is not the first time it’s come up in our history.

Nick…please cite your source as to the definition of a “natural born” citizen, particularly the references to the parental chronology. How do you explain the fact that our first 12 presidents were not, by your definition, natural born citizens due to the British citizenship of their parents?

$5.95 each… while they last :mrgreen:




So John, where do you fall - Obama born in Kenya or in Hawaii?

Enquiring minds want to know.

Jim, will you first agree that there is a difference between a citizen, a naturalized citizen and a natural born citizen?

If you don’t agree that these are different, there is no sense in me going any further on the matter.

Rick, they haven’t proven it against Obama but it seems the fight for a definition of natural born citizen continues. As far as the case law goes it appears that you are right. However, the definition of natural born citizen was layed out in the naturalization act of 1790 and later repealed. As seen here

or in the attached pic. In either case. It doesn’t change my stance on the matter…as I said…it wouldn’t bother me in the least…


I don’t know that answer but I wish he were born in Kenya. Then the matter of his citizenship would not be of concern.

I’ll agree, Nick - Naturalized and Natural born are certainly different and both a subset of the larger citizen group.

So, where did you find the Natural Born requirements?

Sorry, wrong John.

That question was for McKenna.

But I’m glad you answered, too. :mrgreen:

The Obama File’:slight_smile:


That clause covers children born overseas to US parents. Not aplicable to people born on US soil.

The Kenyan birth certificate. :wink:


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I don’t know, as I have said, but I would like to see his long form
birth certificate… just because he has spent a million dollars
trying to keep us from seeing it.

What is a “long form BC”?

My youngest will be one next month and we never got a “long form” BC.

Has anyone ever seen a “long form” BC?

You should check out the Kenyan BC site - you’ll like it. :wink:

**added - found this…