Are all those inspection articles that Nick produces together somewhere. Can’t find them.
It has recently been amazing to me that inspectors can’t even read the tabs at the left side of this thread, or if they are newbies, do not even know how to use the search box at the main home page.
Don’t you guys notice?
newbies :mrgreen: <----- look over that way John
John as posted above look to the left, but here is a cheat for you bro
John is hardly a newbie.
(Not sure that is helping his case any).
There is a viewing option that omits the menu on the left side of the board, you know.
I said it in reply to what Gary said.
Not a newbie, just a little blind today I guess. Thanks. ](*,)
There are close to 250,000 pages:shock:
And growing all the time. With the projects we have on the drawing board now, will easily be a 1 million-page website one day soon.
I have contributed ideas about a few of these articles to Nick, and he graciously took my ideas and turned them into a few of these articles. I am proud that his recent idea has multiplied several times into the list you see today. All new inspectors should read, and capture, these articles for their clients, and they are all free. Add links to them via your web site. Use them as a supplements to your reports. Use them as newsletters.
The best thing is that they are short, and sweet!!!