Originally Posted By: jruppert This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
For you Inspectvue and 3D users, how long does it typically take you to upload the PDF file, and for your customers to download it. If you e-mail, how long does that take for your customers to open it up?
I typically include 30 to 50 photographs in my reports, and it is no problem in HTML format with Homegauge software. I'm thinking it may be an issue using the Inspectvue and 3D PDF format.
Originally Posted By: cradan This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
The .pdf version of our completed 3D reports (with no pictures) runs about 1/2 MB. Takes us less than 40 seconds to upload, takes any client with DSL or broadband less than 15 seconds to download.
When pictures are included, (usually 20-30 photos), the average .pdf file size grows to 1 or 1.5 MB. Still not a download time issue for anyone with a DSL or broadband connection. Dial-up speeds present another issue entirely.
Originally Posted By: dmusielski This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Chris is Correct!
The last report I did was in 3D ...it was larger than normal at 4 Meg.
With Cable or DSL it's less than a Minuite.
HELPFUL HINT: If you dont have DSL, goe to Target or Best Buy and Purchase a GIZMO. They are smaller than a stick or gum, can attach to your key chain, and can hold 256 meg. Some are a cheap as $20. Plug it in your USB port and drag your report to it. Then hop down to you local libary, and you can send it in 30 seconds. In the meantime you can make a copy of your inspection agreement for 10cents for your clinet!