Originally Posted By: escanlan This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
James had a sale fall through when the inspector turned up a sinking front porch that would have cost $5,000 to repair. It wasn't the inspector's fault; the homeowners didn't know about it either.
Good reason for RE agents to push pre-listing inspections and also to limit their liability in the event the seller did not disclose something that could have been determined as obvious.
4. Property condition
"I had a listing where the seller had redone a house magnificently, but underneath this gorgeous area rug under the dining room table, he hadn't put hardwood floor in. I was in shock, everyone was in shock, and if he had just told everyone it wouldn't have been the end of the world," she says.
Kind of hard to not remember ( the seller ) that a large section of floor covering is missing!!
"I always tell my sellers, please tell me everything. When people have the knowledge upfront, they're usually fine with it. People just don't like surprises."
Another good argument to push pre-listing inspections.
Originally Posted By: escanlan This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Thank you and to use the favorite vernacular of Gen X "Bummer Dude"!! Looks like the turnout is going to be pretty good. Have a surprise for attendees, one of our supporters has upped the ante on their offerings and is now offering a very nice freebie to all attendees.
Keep an eye out for the press release (or BB release as it will be) of the nights activities.