I am taking my INTERNACHI test in a few weeks for the state of Florida. I have taken a couple of the internachi practice exams available but it says that the test is nothing like the Florida test I will be taking. I am curious as to what other people’s experiences are with the test who tested in Florida if the INTERNACHI practice test is a good tool or if my study time would be better spent elsewhere. I have taken the recommended courses and quizzes on the site, the practice test, and many quizlet flashcards. If there is some other tool out there I can use maybe I missed? Any tips or advice would be much appreciated!
Took the exam last week in West Palm Beach Florida and the practice test helped me out a lot. I took the practice test maybe 10-15 times, the only thing I didn’t see much on the practice test would be termites but I had some knowledge on termites and made it through. After I passed the state exam I looked at the flash cards and saw termites on it. So flash cards and practice test should do it. Good luck to you.
Okay thanks!!. I have taken the practice test 10 times so far and bunch of stuff on quizlet. Did they tell you instantly when you passed or did you have to wait for the results?
It’s pretty much the same as the practice test as soon as you hit submit you get the results. You can also go back to answer questions. You should have plenty of time I was done in about 35 minutes.
If you are doing ok on the practice tests, you should be ok. I was a little disappointed in how easy the Florida test was. Didn’t feel like I accomplished much by passing it. A bit of a let-down.
The real test comes during the first few years of actual inspecting. That’s when you’ll really need to have your thinking cap on.
In order for me to work as a home inspector i need to complete all the 14 courses and get the certificates and do the 4 mock inspections, once im certified can i work in the mean time as a home inspector in florida for a comoany as an employee or do i need to complete all those courses and get pre licensed and then take the state exam, get licensed to be able work for someone else?
I guess they are handing those out like candy these days.
As to your question, no company will let you run an inspection without some level of training and likely certifications such as FABI,ASHI or NACHI. There are in-person schools who can shorten up the learning period.
They may let you work with another inspector while you train, but I suspect they won’t give you a ton of time to get through the material and pay you while you do it.
Lists a FL license number… I’m curious to know what exactly “5 years hands on experience” and “2 years of inspection management” means. His name is listed on the CMI lookup page.
There has definitely been an uptick in posts like this on the forum (also in the Facebook groups); questions about how to get licensed from people who apparently have a license, or really basic subject matter questions.
As a total aside, the whole CMI idea is pretty clearly a just a money thing for Internachi unfortunately. There are frankly a lot of dumb questions being asked by people with CMI after their name. It really brings down the credibility of the title.
Sorry Larry for the confusion im currently working on my InterNACHI courses to get certified and meet the requirements to then get the license not really sure why it already says as you showed there in the screenshot that it says certified master inspector title. Im new to this of NACHI and home inspectors not sure 100% how the certification categories and titles work here as you are working on your certificates and license.