Wanted to ask recommendations for IR cameras. Looking to buy one shortly- inspector outlet features 3 Flir cameras- Smart phone add-on camera, and 2 other - Flir C2 and another handheld- thanks for any recommendations
Before you buy one, I highly recommend getting an education from Flir, Infraspection or Monroe.
You see Ken, it really depends on the use, now and in the future, and training will help you to not buy an imager and wish you had waited because of what you learned with the classes.
Personally, I wouldn’t buy anything with less than 320 x 240 resolution.
Best to you.
Thanks for the reply. I am taking the InterNachi courses on Thermal imaging and building science- do you not feel they are valuable in this regard. I wanted IR to help with quicker diagnostics and it is a good marketing feature
Ken, there are many threads on this forum that talk about those cheaper cameras. Most inspectors will tell you that those cheap ones are basically toys that should stay at home. I tend to agree. Some of those cheap imagers can show you some defects so they are not worthless. I would save up the money until you can buy at least an imager with a 320x240 resolution. The higher end imagers also have better thermal sensitivity. As Larry said, get training first before buying. InterNACHI training is a good starting point. I would recommend you speak with Infraspection after your InterNACHI training. That way you will understand why you should buy a higher end imager, as well as how to use it.
Morning, Ken. Hope this post finds you well and in good spirits today. Truly.
You will read and hear a lot about 240/320 resolution being the minimum resolution one should consider.
Not really. Wiz past that.
Twelve Things to Consider Before Buying an Infrared Camera by Flir.
Minimum recognized resolution is dependent upon what ‘you’ decide you wish to be mainly be involved during inspections. Remember. You can always upgrade.
What ever your choice is purchasing a thermal camera for your business, lesser expensive VS more expensive, the underlying theme is understanding how to operate the camera effectively and describing what you are looking at with a high degree of certainty which typically/usually involves other measuring equipment, IE: Moisture Miters, Hygrometers, Circuit Analyzers.
The consensus on training is absolute. All agree, training underpins the foundation you build on. Myself, Infraspection Institute. Reasoning. 1: Oldest educator. 2: All the courses. 3: Undisputed Leader in the industry. 4: InterNACHI member discount.
What ever you choice is in thermal cameras. Training underpins the foundation you build on.
Best of luck with your endeavors.
Robert Young
Actually, no it is not!
There is one thing I have learned in all the years I have been doing this, you can not sell something to anyone (for a profit) who does not does not perceive that they have a problem which they are willing to invest in, and that you are the solution to their problem.
Read that again!
I have seen many “camera owners” come and go. Only a handful have recovered their investment in equipment and required training to succeed! There are literally hundreds of camera owners competing with you at your same level (owners of personal use IR Cameras with insignificant training, or none).
“If you build it, they will come” does not work.
“I have a thermal camera I’m going to use in your Home Inspection!”.
They know of no issue with the house and are not going to shell out more money to you to “maybe” find something (when your inspection fee is high for them already). They have a lot of other investments on their mind, like all the stuff their wife wants to buy to furnish the new home. In the first place they are not going to proceed with that house purchase when they perceive the house has issues.They just move on down the road.
A very small number of RE Agents want you finding more stuff than necessary. If you have Agents that send you two inspections/wk, they may promote your service. Not because of your camera, but because of the knowledge you acquired in the process. That is because they don’t want to wast time on a crap house which they expect to re-sell down the road. This is how you get 2 inspections/wk by the way. Also you put their clients mind a ease over stuff like a water leak stain that has been repaired in the past and you can determine it is no longer active (just a paint job required).
Preventative Maintenance: Unless someone like an insurance company requires thermal imaging, people are inclined to just run it till it fails! We buy new, not repair in this country. Like the RE Agent, you cause them more work (and expense). You can expect maybe 2% of your local industry to seek your services out. It is not until they have a problem and/or you solved it that they will seek you out or refer you to someone else.
With these numbers, you have to make a lot of money per job to succeed. This requires a different marketing approach (not the Walmart business plan, or the Home Inspection strategy). This requires that you have more knowledge and experience than your client or any other camera owner out there. You have to be able to build the clients expectations over the phone and justify their investment in your service, which you can’t do by just owning a Thermal Imager or being able to operate the “On Switch” of your camera, producing pretty colored pictures.
This is an investment on your part. Don’t waste money if your not all in.