Is this a problem wall?

[FONT=Tahoma]Hi guys,

I was just hoping to get some comments about this wall.

This is a single thickness 2x that spans about 16 foot. The gable end studs were nailed direct to the back side of the beam, and there were only three 2x4 supports to this whole intersection. It was apparent that the 2x4 supports were bearing a fair amount of the roof and wall weight. The horizontal 2.4 was twisting. The center 2x4 was offset by more then 45 Deg off the stud in the wall below, (the stud appears to be load bearing). This gable wall/ roof intersection just does not look well built. The builder says it perfect…. I need your comments…





I agree that it looks wrong, if this is new construction can you get a look at the architects plans to see what was designed for that location?



I can’t quite see what’s going on in the picture, but here’s what I think see:

  1. Pic 2 is looking at the gable end of the house, right?
  2. The common rafter structure has collar ties less than 1/3 down from the ridge, right?
    If these are so, then that 2x8 that makes up the bottom chord of the gable (that the gable-end studs are sistered on to) is only carrying the load of the gable and 1/2 the shed below it. Is that 2x8 supported at the ends? If so, then it is possible that it is built ok. (and those 2x4 may have been installed as a framing aide, they are providing virtually no structural help)

If the 2x8 is not supported…garbage. And if the common rafters (the main part of the roof) are not self supporting ( collar ties or engineered truss or ridge beam that has it’s own posts)…thats a problem too…because that little 2x8 that has a 16’ span would have to support a substantial part of the roof, and it caint.

Do you have more pics? Hope that makes sense.


I don’t remember what supports the upper portion of that 2x8 and I don’t have a photo of it. As best as I can describe, that roof a big hip style roof with gable wall at the upper portions of each of the 4 hip planes. I am a friend of the people who bought this house, so I’ll be able to get more photos as a later date, and I will get a copy of the blueprints and see what was actually done as opposed to what the blueprints called for.

I attached a few other photos of the same home, and I got the fire marshal to read portions of my report, and he agreed to the dangers posed by this chimney. Keep in mind that this is all new construction, but in Texas a contractor has no education requirements, and anyone with the filing fee can become one.

Best regards,

And feel free to post any comments about the other photos

#1, Brick window sill level to ground (poor drainage for window)
#2, ZERO clearance between siding and roof shingles (rot possible)
#3, No apron flashing, (high possibility that a leak will develop)
#4, No chimney cap, and metal flue exited below top course of brick, (CO poisoning possibility) Fire marshal agrees
#5, The 2x4 purlins were not 4 ft OC.

This home had NO weepholes in brick exterior, and had many places of negative grade to foundation. There was a beer can stuffed in drier vent, (fire hazard) Hot water to right handle on 60% of all fixtures. Less then 12” to clearance of covered incandescent lights in closets (should be 12” min)… and it went on and on and on…. I spent nearly 7 hours inspecting this home.




