Is this carpenter ant?

Location: New Jersey.

Just want to make sure it is carpenter ant or not.

Looks like it.

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Welcome to our forum luau!..Enjoy! :smile:

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Like Marcel said, it looks like it. Did you see any frass anywhere?


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Yes, it is

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I could not tell you. I would have to see the tool box myself. Was there a saw, hammer, and square? Where they unionized? Lol…
Carpenter tool box

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No tool belt either :rofl:


Yes Doug. I concur. What the hells going on with these carpenter ants.


Didn’t see any frass, the basement is fully finished. I think I need to put it in on my report to warning my client.

I always called them oak ants. I assume they’re the same creature. They can do some damage to trees and any other wood they can find.

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Be careful with your narrative if you are not WDI licensed!! I would NOT identify the type of ant, other than “Ants were observed… recommend a licensed exterminator to identify and treat as deemed necessary…”


Yes. Elbowed antennae, pinch waist. Ring of hairs on the abdomen.

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You just described my EX Brian. Just realized she was a carpenter ant all along… :ant: