Location: New Jersey.
Just want to make sure it is carpenter ant or not.
Looks like it.
Welcome to our forum luau!..Enjoy!
Like Marcel said, it looks like it. Did you see any frass anywhere?
Yes, it is
I could not tell you. I would have to see the tool box myself. Was there a saw, hammer, and square? Where they unionized? Lol…
No tool belt either
Yes Doug. I concur. What the hells going on with these carpenter ants.
Didn’t see any frass, the basement is fully finished. I think I need to put it in on my report to warning my client.
I always called them oak ants. I assume they’re the same creature. They can do some damage to trees and any other wood they can find.
Be careful with your narrative if you are not WDI licensed!! I would NOT identify the type of ant, other than “Ants were observed… recommend a licensed exterminator to identify and treat as deemed necessary…”
Yes. Elbowed antennae, pinch waist. Ring of hairs on the abdomen.
You just described my EX Brian. Just realized she was a carpenter ant all along…