Originally Posted By: Brian A. Goodman This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
We used to call those “pry-outs”, but they probably have other names as well. They are intended to run NM through, usually (if not always) with a built-in clamp just inside the box. I don’t see any staples though.
That's a very unusal name you have. Where is it from? Does it have a specific meaning?
Originally Posted By: gbeaumont This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hi to all,
Souksana, if I'm seeing your picture correctly it looks like the pry out on the right has been used to clamp the Romex, I would have written this up for lack of a clamp and approved bushing. It also looks like the Romex on the left has been fed into the box from the front, if I'm correct that also would need a clamp and bushing.
Classic "home owner" wiring, and in need of correction.
Was the internal clamp installed? These boxes are supposed to have one. The knockout should be removed. As the other poster said there should also be a staple or other means of support within 12" of this box