Is this O.K.

Originally Posted By: ssopha
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Originally Posted By: Brian A. Goodman
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We used to call those “pry-outs”, but they probably have other names as well. They are intended to run NM through, usually (if not always) with a built-in clamp just inside the box. I don’t see any staples though.

That's a very unusal name you have. Where is it from? Does it have a specific meaning?

Originally Posted By: gbeaumont
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Hi to all,

Souksana, if I'm seeing your picture correctly it looks like the pry out on the right has been used to clamp the Romex, I would have written this up for lack of a clamp and approved bushing. It also looks like the Romex on the left has been fed into the box from the front, if I'm correct that also would need a clamp and bushing.

Classic "home owner" wiring, and in need of correction.



Gerry Beaumont
NACHI Education Committee
e-mail :
NACHI phone 484-429-5466

Inspection Depot Education

"Education is a journey, not a destination"

Originally Posted By: ssopha
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Thank you guys. This was in a newly remodel basement with many reverse polarity outlets and other problems.

I am a laotian. The Vietnam vet knows where Laos is.

Originally Posted By: Greg Fretwell
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ssopha wrote:
I don't think it's right way to feed NM wire into a box. Any comments are welcome.

[ Image: ]

Was the internal clamp installed? These boxes are supposed to have one. The knockout should be removed. As the other poster said there should also be a staple or other means of support within 12" of this box

Originally Posted By: ssopha
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I can verify some internal clamps but not all. I am recommending to the buyer to have licensed electrician look at entire wiring job in the basement.