This can’t be real.
Looks about right. The courses start at $400.00 per course.
Best regards,
I have talked to a wish to be a home Inspector in BC . He bought a complete set of C&D books for $300.00 and tried to sigh up for the CAHPI BC course and was told he had to by the C&D from them and then take the course , Yes it was very expensive . I understand things have changed big time in BC recently and I expect to have more info later this evening .it is only 4:00 B.C. time 7.00 my time .
I can not confirm yet but Today big changes are coming in Ontario today that, could effect many things from solar ,Wind, generation and the trucking industry and possibly the home Inspection industry .
Complete Home InspectionTraining Program
The complete 10-course home inspectioncertificate program comes complete with textbooks and online components.
More info as I get it Roy …
[RIGHT][RIGHT]Ministry of Economic Development and Growth[/RIGHT][/RIGHT]
Ontario Reintroduces ProposedChanges to Cut Red Tape
Province Helping Businesses Save Time and Money
September 27, 2016 3:30 P.M.
Ontario is reintroducing proposed changes to 50 different statutes to reduceregulatory burdens and practices that cost businesses time and money, whileprotecting environmental and health standards and enhancing worker safety.
Today, Minister Brad Duguid reintroduced the Burden Reduction Act, 2016. Ifpassed, the proposed Act would help the province continue to build a smarter,more modern regulatory environment by rooting out existing burdens andstreamlining regulations.
The proposed changes support Ontario’s five-year, $400-million Business GrowthInitiative that is helping to grow the economy and create jobs by promotingan innovation-based economy, helping small companies scale-up and modernizingregulations for businesses.
Highlights include:
Allowing provincial inspectors under the Consumer Protection Act to request information through phone calls or emails instead of face-to-face meetings leading to fewer interruptions to businesses
Streamlining the delivery of superload (oversize/overweight) vehicle permits, making it easier and more efficient for businesses shipping heavy machinery and other goods to secure the proper certification
Maintaining the “industrial exception” in the Professional Engineers Act to give businesses more flexibility in hiring non-engineers to practice engineering in relation to machinery or equipment
The wide-ranging bill also includes a number of measures that wouldmodernize government communication with businesses by allowing for theelectronic submission of documents. This, and other crucial updates, would helpto foster an innovative and supportive business environment.
The new proposed Burden Reduction Act, 2016 is part of Ontario’s commitmentto reintroduce all government bills that were before the legislature in spring2016, so that debate on important issues may continue.
" Reducing and streamlining unnecessary regulatory and administrativeburdens on businesses, while maintaining the highest safety standards, iscrucial to ensuring that our province’s business climate stays strong. TheBurden Reduction Act is the product of an unprecedented collaboration withingovernment to cut red tape across the province, but we know there is more workto do. That’s why this is only the start of our important work — we willcontinue fostering a dynamic and innovative business environment, with reducingred tape a priority in this process."
- Brad Duguid
Minister of Economic Development and Growth
- The proposed legislation would amend more than 50 statutes across 11 different ministries.
- Ontario’s 2016 Burden Reduction Report featuring 26 initiatives across government, including 13 new projects that resulted in $47 million in cost savings, and an additional $24 million saved through 13 previously announced projects with ongoing impact.
- Ontario has launched the Red Tape Challenge, an innovative online platform to help identify and eliminate regulatory duplication, lessen compliance burdens, shorten response times and make it easier for businesses and citizens to interact with government.
- In recognition of the province’s efforts to reduce red tape, the Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) awarded the province a B+ grade — the second highest grade in Canada — as part of its annual Red Tape Awareness Week.
Support for the Burden Reduction Act, 2016
Andreas Kyprianou Communications Branch
Jessica Hume Minister’s Office
416-325-7569[RIGHT][RIGHT]Available Online[/RIGHT][/RIGHT]
[RIGHT][RIGHT]Disponible en Français[/RIGHT][/RIGHT]
What??? Oh, someone needs to call the authorities. That is a total ripoff. It’s 2016… no one pays for inspection courses anymore.
Just my 2 cents…
Unfortunately, the price of taking courses through most any college in Canada for home inspection training is pretty much what you stated. C&D has cornered most of the market, and CAHPI has designated their training as the “go to” approved education source.
As I stated in a few other forums, one must be careful of what is “lawfully” considered acceptable under the various “regulations and Acts” that impact education and training providers in Canada.
Additionally, some of the “Acts” provide for exemption status, for courses/programs such as in Ontario under the Private Career Colleges Act, for training that does not exceed 40 hours and $1000.
BTW: Education delivered through the College System is exempt from the Act, but it would appear to be that is part of the built-in price one pays to cover other administrative and maintenance costs.
The other BIG issue is with respect to “associations” recognition/acceptance or not of the specific home inspector education courses/training, and whether there is proctored, unproctored or no exams.
It is also my general understanding that the cost may be often broken down to 1/3rd to the specific college (where the student registers), 1/3rd to the OntarioLearn program (the actual online learning source), and 1/3rd to the actual education provider (such as C&D). Not that is makes the cost any cheaper, it’s simply my understanding of who gets paid their portion.
This is an interesting clause Claude, and one I have been in contact with the MTCU about.
It appears that if a situation arises where in order to obtain a regulated qualification one needs to take multiple courses then it is the total of those courses that are used in the quota for the MTCU private career colleges registration requirement. It’s not quite that simple either. The courses have to either be presented physically in Ontario OR provided by an organisation that has physical premises in Ontario.
So for example: the OAHI, which has a physical location in Ontario, has two courses which are mandatory in order to achieve the RHI designation. These courses are over 40 hours AND over $1,000 when combined. The courses are presented physically in Ontario by the OAHI.
The OAHI suggests that the RHI is a regulated qualification, and recognised by government as such, and yet the OAHI are NOT registered as a private career college.
Inspect4U got dinged on a similar scenario not so long ago, and had to change things to comply with the law.
It appears the OAHI might have to do the same if the government actually do recognise the RHI as a regulated qualification.
(There are a number of other professions that flout this law, but the only example I had in the Home Inspection field was this one)
Carson & Dunlop are registered as a PCC.
It does bring us back to another post where Nick was suggesting he opened a house of horrors here in Ontario. While there is no regulation here in Ontario, I suspect any courses presented at this location would be less than 40 hours AND less than $1000 so would escape registration.
However once regulation comes in, if the course in anyway provides CEU’s for upkeep of a license, it may well fall under this regulative act as well.
Maybe Nick should look at opening up the House of horrors in Buffalo, New York. Cheap for property, easy to get to from Ontario and without the regulatory hangups we seem to have here. It would also provide a North Eastern US platform for InterNACHI. Just a thunk.
Claude I’m not sure they are “exempt” from the act just covered under different regulation.
I believe the colleges in Ontario are actually covered under the Ontario Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology Act, 2002 and this regulation supersedes the PCC regulation.
I also believe more than one PCC and at least college has recently lost it’s right to act as a PCC.
I think what you meant to say is “Given the excellent material here on InterNACHI no-one should have to pay for inspection courses any more”
Thanks for the clarifications Len.
I have been dealing with registration of our courses, with the business I am associated with. We received approval in Ontario and have applied for other provinces. Again I caution the rules/regs are different for each province.
In Ontario one thing that must be considered is what is referred to as “bundling”. That is where courses offered by the education/training provider in effect provides multiple courses that can exceed the $1000 price tag.
BTW: The price tag under the $1000 exemption must include ALL applicable training and materials, admin/registration fees, and items such as texts, exams, etc.
Again thanks for having a healthy and productive exchange.
When I looked into HI training four years ago in Alberta, going directly to Carson Dunlop was the lowest cost option for C&D courses with the possible exception of AB CAHPI, who told me they had negotiated a slightly lower module price.
At the time I was looking at about 3 grand for the required modules for an Alberta license. The Alberta colleges who had HI training were using the C&D modules and marking them up another few hundred bucks a module with no added value such as classroom instruction. I contacted Carson Dunlop first but no one responded to the message I left on their robots only phone system for a week. I was all set to sign on with a CAHPI membership and C&D training for maybe a hundred bucks less per module when I found interNACHI would provide approved training free to members.
My background was retired from skilled training planning, development and administration, so I was not shocked by the tuition costs, they seemed reasonable for what they were. To develop a single one of a similar to C&D module costs at least hundreds of thousands of dollars, especially if they are print based. I also knew that the potential market for HI training is limited, AB has about 4 or 500 inspectors, and 10% of Canada’s population, so figure maybe 5000 working inspectors in Canada, who presumably do not need training, and depending on industry turnover no more than a 1000 or so who do need training. Many who need it won’t get training, such is the training world. Module cost recovery usually means tuition has to pay development costs on a per student basis. If you only have one student, that student will have to pay for all of it, more students, each can pay less.
When I looked at the C&D sample modules, they looked pretty 1980-ish or earlier, the other reality of traditional print based training material, is it costs nearly as much time and money to update a module as it does to develop. It did not look to me like much updating was being done by C&D.
Over the years my former employers had been examining 100% internet based training, but the institutions who deliver the training were not buying into it. Delivering training programs for industry is a major cash cow for private and public colleges but typically seen as a side show to be milked for all it is worth using technology that dates to the early 1900’s for programmed instruction (ie correspondence courses), or for that matter, ancient Greece for classroom based training.
I assumed that nothing had changed since I left the training world, and I would have to bite the cost bullet. Fortunately both Carson and Dunlop and Alberta CAHPI were very slow to respond to my questions, giving me the time to find out about interNACHI.
At first I had my doubts that anyone was doing the obvious, using ordinary web technology to deliver, evaluate and maintain a legitimate training program, but there it was, approved by the Alberta government. I had intended to join an industry association anyway, so it was a no brainer for me to join interNACHI and get the training I needed for certification free as a member benefit.
I gotta say that interNACHI training exceeded my expectations and all involved should be congratulated as well as given recognition for doing something traditional education institutions have not been able to do yet (to the best of my knowledge), yet another example how the internet has changed everything. Thanks Nick, Ben and everyone else who participates in building interNACHI training.
Great post Erik thanks for confirming what many of us have known all along .
Claude, you are most welcome. Didn’t know that about the materiel being included in the costs too. Good to note.
Buffalo might be close for some but Detroit might be cheaper (and only 10 minutes away for me) Nick wouldn’t even have to construct a house of horrors, just pick any one of the abandoned homes for hours of inspection fun. Inspector Outlet may need to start carrying kevlar inspection vests lol
On a serious note, Nick if you were considering building a house of horrors in Ontario I would suggest Windsor. Yes I am a bit biased but land is cheap here compared to other regions in Ontario. The climate is descent year round, Ceasars Casino has some great conference space, not far from Detroit airport and we also have an airport to accomodate anyone visiting within Canada as well as from the US
Very good Bob! All very valid points!
It might still be a little too close to Inkster though…
Best regards,
More crap from the Liberal scammers…just crap to help them get re-elected
See if it come to pass
Here we go again.
In 2011 I paid $3200.00 for the C&D course. This was the online version that came with all of the book. If I had taken it through the College in Edmonton the course would have been $5200.00. Anyone want to buy a bunch of paperweights that look like a C&D course??