CNBC is a shill for the Establishment Republicans who appear to be clueless this year, you’d think someone as politically savvy as yourself wouldn’t be so easy to dupe. :roll:
The bad part about more jobs is that Washington now has more tax money to spend on operating immoral perma-captivity POW camps, funding public school monopolies, employing IRS agents, and invading smaller countries 1/2 way around the world.
If this is the same math you employed to predict a Romney landslide…
Ya just might want to check your calculator for a malfunction. Just sayin’. :mrgreen:
A call I received today said “Tim, I have to cancel our appointment next week. I received notice I’m to be laid off by End of Year”
I told him I was sorry to hear of his misfortune and wished him the best, he offered to me that his employer was laying off due to the fiscal cliff worries and such.
I wonder how many employers are reacting this way?
I have many family members working in the corporate world. They all have the same story. Any people retiring, or quitting, are not being replaced by their companies. There is just no confidence in the workplace for next year for large companies to hire, mostly because of the uncertainty of health care expenses.
Besides, figures always get revised in two to three months anyway. Do not believe what you hear in any government figures.
Are we in bad times yes ,But take a close look at other countries ,Iceland ,Turkey, Italy Ireland,
WE are slowly improving much better than other countries .
When Industry starts to spend more we will to also improve faster.