Joining Bath Exhaust With Drier Vent?

Originally Posted By: fduemig
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Fred Duemig

Originally Posted By: aslimack
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Well lets see…If dryer lint is a potential fire hazard, and moisture (sometimes) added to this can create a moist wall for the lint to cling to, and the bath exhaust won’t always be feeding the moisture when the dryer is on…

Ah, no. Not a good idea. I'd also recommend a straight wall metal dryer vent WITHOUT screws for that dryer vent. Its allegedly about 1/10th the fire hazard potential of the white plastic and/or foil covered vent material.

Adam, A Plus

edited for spellimg

Originally Posted By: fduemig
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Thanks Adam.

I know it’s not good, and I recommended changing, but I wanted to know if it’s allowed this way.

BTW The drier vent is metal corrugated, the bath is plastic.


Fred Duemig

Originally Posted By: away
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There are two references that I found regarding dryer exhaust venting. The sections are from the 2000 IRC (too lazy to grab the 2003)

M1501.1 (Mechanical)
Dryer exhaust systems shall be independent of all other systems.....


Same verbiage

The G section is from the fuel gas chapter of the code but it doesn't differentiate between electric and gas until later.

Now if I could just find the bathroom exhaust stuff.....

Andrew Way
Keystone Residential Inspection Services PLLC

Originally Posted By: hgordon
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Dryer exhaust systems shall be independent of all other systems…

Ummm that would be like...NO!! Hell no what were they thinking.

Oh, and they may not want to use standard Duct Tape not rated for heat in excess of 100 degrees.

Harvey Gordon
SE Florida NACHI Chapter - President

Originally Posted By: phinsperger
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When both the dryer and bathroom fan are running at the same time, neither will vent properly due to the restriction. 4"+4" does not equal 4"


Paul Hinsperger
Hinsperger Inspection Services
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