I want to commend you on an excellent class, you did an outstanding job of explaining the science behind Thermal Imaging and the way these cameras truly work. You also helped us to understand that it is another tool but it must be backed up by a strong knowledge of home inspections and building science and that it cannot be relied on alone. You are an excellent teacher and keep up the good work.:mrgreen:
No problem, John does a great job teaching the science behind the camera and how it actually works and then how to properly use it in a building inspection environment.
We’re holding our nose for now and accepting Level I thermography courses, but they really aren’t geared toward home or building inspections and so we are considering no longer accepting them. We’d de-certify them (no longer accept Level I courses) now if we had John’s course in 25 cities.
I also teach the course, and am getting it approved in the midwest states for state CE as well (Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, etc). I just don’t travel as much.
Building science knowledge is the key. Many things that have been regularly taught, in the past, are, given “greener” building and more energy efficient building, have changed dramatically.
We see, in the midwest (which has a REAL weird climate, given the Great Lakes influence) many standards, even those enforced by local codes, as just plain wrong and are leading to exessive mold and other problems because of air and vapor intrusion. Many of the new construction houses I am seeing are developing significant mold problems because of this.
One point. Fiberglass and cellulose insullation (thought to be “greener” because it is usually a recycled product) actually looses its R value if not properly sealed from air infiltration or if the proper vapor barriers are not used. Thermal imaging can be used to calculate the actual (rather than the listed) insulation in the walls. I have seen houses that were not properly air sealed where, during winter, the actual R factor os as low as 6 when the “rated” R value is 13 (3.5" fiberglass batt).
The whole paradigm is changing. If home inspectors do not become more educated about this, they will be left behind.
It also helps when you want to branch out fron just doing RE transation inspections to doing building consultations.
Understanding this stuff and its implications is not a 2-3 day course as first the old Half-truth facts and street level knowledge that is passed around has to be “unlearnt” and then the building science based on studies that have been going on from the 1930’s will have to be understood. Been working in this stuff from 1977…still able to learn or…shoot down those trying to pull the wool over the public’s eyes with over-embellished info…called lies!!