Let’s see. I can be at an attorney’s office or I can be at an attorney’s office. I can stay alot about this…
Kansas is an open meeting state. It used to be the Realtors Officein KC or the Attorneys Office in Witcheeta. Now its the AG’s Office in Topeka or the Attorneys Office in Witcheeta. Whats the difference.
I’m told the conference call went very well. They approved paying for their new web site. They now have a little over 175 inspectors in Kansas, AND with over $50,000 in their treasury and an operating budget well under $8,500 per year, they’ve decided to quit charging a FEE to renew the individual home inspectors licenses each year.
This just goes to show by using someones garage and eliminating a board office, having no dedicated phone lines - just an answering machine in an accountants office, no actual home inspection licensing board employee’s (like secretary, investigator, etc), conference calls in lieu of real face-to-face board meetings / How inexpensively a home inspection board can be run. Heck if done like this, the realtors in EVERY state can get home inspectors licensed and afford a HI board so as to not upset legislators worried about over -worked state budgets.
…and, allowed by law, rules, and regulations, now promote basic, limited, say-nothing reports that the agents want. Even a “member of the Kansas board” charges only $200 for a home inspection. The agents, and the RE associations, love him for it.
Now, these basic reports, promoted by other home inspection associations, are the norm. InterNACHI veteran inspectors, who fully write detailed reports for home buyers and charge a little more for their services, are left out.
The home buyers are really getting the shaft, and legally.
Now, free radon tests and free mitigation are being offered by agents. Exterminators are offering free termite inspections.
We are fully being pushed out of business in every way, so as not to interfere with the operations of used home commissioned sales people.
Gary -
Look to the future. Our Kansas SoP are very similar to those of NACHI, ASHI, NAHI and most other state licensing SoP’s all over the country. Our SoP committee (JB) wanted us to be like the others.
You as a CMI can always go BEYOND the SoP’s if you want … Just yesterday I did a home inspection AND checked 2 electrical outlets per room AND even though I had to use a 13’ ladder (not 12’ as our SoP states) to see the roof I bravely went BEYOND the Kansas SoP and felt really GOOD for going the extra mile.
That is what the KAR wanted all along; basic, soft reports.
I now offer the two different inspections; a $200 Kansas SOP one and one that starts at $375. We’ll see.
I was just told last nite that eliminating the Licensing Renewal Fee is just for 2012 - Not forever. Oh well, I thought you guys were getting a BIG break, not just a temporary stimulus package. Still better than nothing.
I talked to two of our local ASHI inspectors Friday and Saturday. Seems business has picked back up for them and for the last couple of weeks they’ve both been doing 8-12 inspection per week.
So I guess its just you CMI guys that are down. I think they’ve learned how to tactfully write a “well balanced report”.
Around KC, I’m seeing a LOT of what my old eyes consider a whole NEW definition to the terminology - a SOFT report.
ASHI is very strong here, due to the fact that ASHI contributes moneys and promotes licensing, and any other political area that the NAR and the KAR wants. Most all of them use “fluff” reports, with fancy-looking print and some pictures that just do not say much at all.
The agents love them, and the soft reports, all by Kansas law.
Veterans are left out from RE recommendations, lists, promotions, etc. That is a good thing, however the newbies and the ASHI guys are the ones getting alot of business, and the home buyers suffer. KC agents need to face the fact that they are not providing the best for their clients.
With an average home sales in the KC area of 1,900 per month, the three CMI’s here should be booked solid. Instead, we eat soup every night.