Inspecting a new house today on a concrete slab foundation. I found that the island had no outlets below the counter top. Wouldn’t this be a violation ???
Wanted to mention the island cabinet base was NOT secured to floor.
No. It’s not attached.
Then technically it’s portable. Cheesy, but does not require outlets. But it’s still not safe
So, point out that it is not a permanent installation, and that if it were it would require outlets.
Just as an FYI- do not let anyone tell you that those islands are not permanent and that they are mobile…now if they place them on casters then they can begin the argument.
Based on what i see these cabinets are not nailed down simply because the electrician forgot (or the builder did not poke them up) and some Electricians would like to hide that fact.
The fact is…look at the floor under it…no one is planning on sliding that island around and if I was the municipal inspector it would be rejected.
Opinions being what they are…that island is not installed to be “portable”…it is only NOT nailed down because someone wanted to make the “portable” case because they forgot to install a receptacle in accordance with 210.52©(2).
As a municipal inspector (which you are not) I would have failed it in a heart beat. If they said it was portable then I would have called my 74 year old mother over and asked her to move it…otherwise put wheels on it and convince me it is portable.
Do I feel this is a HACK builder…YES…am I opinionated on that…YES…it is installed in the kitchen it is an island…now secure it down otherwise move it…scratch up their nicely done floor…say OPPS…sorry I guess even portable HEAVY cabinets leave scratches too…then they will wish it was nailed down.
EDITED WITH MORE OPINION…It is like saying that you put a refrigerator in front of a panel in the kitchen where you no longer have working clearance. Because the fridge has wheels does not mean you can skip on the working clearance…have you every tried to move a Sub Zero?..
People come up with arguments to circumvent code all the time…in this case nothing possible in the building code required them to nail it down ( might want to look at the IRC on that however) but it does not remove the intent of the island itself…again you are HI’s and you don’t want to flame it out but if you don’t mention it you will only open yourself up to issues…down the road.
Also as an FYI…there is a reason why Section 334.15 talks about protecting NM Cable from the point of penetration of the floor to 6 inches…to protect the cable in situations like this. Nothing in the NEC says the island has to be permanent either…just that it is an island…so two can play the semantics game…
So it has to be attached to the floor to require outlets ? TKS in adavance
Show me where in the NEC (open to anyone) that says the island has to be attached the buildings surface to require the provision of Section 210.52©(2). Based on the image i see you have an Island…with a countertop surface in the kitchen…now place it on wheels and move it out of the kitchen…touche’…leave it where it is…its an island with a countertop and I expect to see provisions of Section 210.52©(2) complied with.
I’m designing my kitchen at the moment and am having a tough time deciding on making an island permanent or portable/movable. I’m leaning toward movable on wheels or not.
I work in the entertainment industry with the art department, set decoration and rent alot of kitchen islands, some traditional some antique, some on casters some not. They come in all shapes and sizes and IMHO, an island can totally be considered a piece of furniture and not a fixed permanent this no matter how heavy or awkward it is to move. You wouldn’t want to take an old antique heavy monster island and start putting outlets in it, that would be sacraligious.
Well…you can walk about code, dance around intent, and turn the other cheek at standards…if it walks, talks and gets used like an Island with a countertop in the kitchen then you must comply with Section 210.52©(2) in my opinion.
There is a HUGE difference in a table or something with wheels being in the kitchen and the beasts shown in the images provided by the original poster. In fact, look at the floor finish…they did not finish (stain) the floor under the island…why because even the floor people knew it was to stay in that location…
Everything can be argued…and I have indeed (as a municipal supervisor) permitted an island to be moved out of a kitchen during my inspection (if on wheels) and pass the inspection…but in those cases try to move it across that finished floor…
How about this…I come over to those homes…push that “island” across the hardwood floor…and you all pay for the scratches and damage to the floor it leaves and then we will argue if it’s an island or not…
I can see where the builder, or someone, was trying to skirt the issue. As a code inspector, which I am not, I would turn it down just as Paul says. That’s why I suggested calling it on a safety issue,and pointing out the need on a “permanently” installed island. I don’t really see a code inspector letting this fly unless he’s the Builders fishin’ buddy.
I vote for outlet is required.
I don’t “require” anything.
But I certainly point out the lack of an outlet on an island.
Why is this even a question?
I vote no, a permanent fixture is not defined by how much it can scratch the floor if you slide it. There are plenty of furniture/pieces that take alot to move and the “granny rule” wont convert an Armour into a closet.
Keep in mind, I totally recommend people have outlets in islands, they are SOOOOO helpful especially since islands tend to be the spot everyone gathers to or uses to cook, prepare, whatever. But there is also the possibility that people want the flexibility to not have an island or to redesign or re position the thing to create a completely different look and creating outlets or messing up the floor with conduits limits those options. I Work with too many decorators to ignore some people’s need to move everything wildly to change aesthetics and I also know too many people who build substantial installations that really need to be considered furniture and not structures.
I’d mention/report both. The island was not secured and it did not have a receptacle. Let the buyer decide.
Perfect nice and simple & it is CYA
For the 2 cents that it’s worth, I heavily side with Paul A.
For all the reasons he had stated, plus for the reasons of what the intent of the NEC provision is: If you don’t provide outlets on the island, before long the people will start stringing extension cords with all the trip and fire hazards involved.
Lets not forget the bar side and uncle Harry leaning on it to pull his chair in hmmm sorry Harry I forgot to mention the island is not secured to the floor… are you okay :mrgreen:;-):mrgreen: Makes me wonder if the top is secured as well, as I have seen my share of those not secured down either.
(As a municipal inspector) I had recently come across the same thing, except it was not a slab on grade floor, there was a basement below. Of course I failed it and I told the homeowner the same thing I tell all homeowners, "Do not make final payment until you receive a passed final inspection report. " LAZY contractors seem to do anything to save a nickel. Unfortunately for them, they end up spending more by having to go back and fix things.
It may not have been a lazy contractor. I had had to deal with designers and homeowners that did not want to see an ugly receptacle on the island or countertop. Either way they had to learn to accept that it would not pass without them.