Ladder Safety is Always Important!

Don’t Worry I Won’t Let The Ladder Fall! - ECN Electrical Forum :roll:

My step dad just fell over backwards indoors with a ladder that should have been spread out, but he only leaned it. He caught his foot on the bottom rung and the whole thing fell over backwards. He’s okay, but pretty sore.

Safety first!

Wow! some of those ladder pics could be used to produce a new 3 stooges show! especially the guy standing in the pool with the drill, (that would be curly). The thing is after I was done laughing I got annoyed at these people for doing this dumb stuff. I was on the safety team at my previous job and this was just the kind of things that we preached to the workers NOT to do. Some guys just won’t learn until they get hurt.

We had a guy fall from a ladder at work last fall, and my boss ended up buying this ladderport thing… it holds the ladder in place while you climb up and down… and has handles to hold while you climb up and down…

anyway, we haven’t had a fall since… and definitely nothing like those crazy videos!

Here ya’ go…

Back by popular demand !!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

If anyone needs to know the perfect angle,just put both feet on either side of the ladder then hold it staight out at shoulder height with arms extended.
This is from professional ladder training I received twice with two different communication companies.

Robert is absolutely correct. Was Fire Services instructor for Province. Good rule of thumb. Also, in case you forget, base should be out 1/4 the height of the ladder.
By the way, have fallen of the ladder twice. once from ladder malfunction and second by stupidity(over-reaching). Las time, broke shoulder.
Really screwed up the golf game.

Get yourself a set of good levelers for the bottom. Worth their weight in gold.


Speaking of ladder levelers, I have a telesteps ladder that I keep replacing the rubber feet on. I am considering purchase leveler design but they are fairly expensive. You or anyone else have any experience with telesteps feet?

Any help in making up my mind would be appreciated.

Don’t forget stand off protection!
Best investment I made. LadderMax

It is not for the weak,but I am very happy with my 28’ fiberglass Keller hook ladder.The extra length makes a world of difference

To tell you the truth, I have a Telestep or something like it and I’m not all that impressed with it. I guess I’m too use to using my LG.

Personally, I don’t know of any leveler that works with the Telestep. I’d be very careful at attaching anything to the bottom section. If you squash the tube every so slightly, it may never work again.

The rubber feet on your Telestep are basically doing what they’re suppose to. I don’t know of anything that will prevent the rubber from deteoriating. You may want to consider insert the feet in a canvas bag, but that may cause the ladder to slip (at the wrong time of course).