Largest event in the inspection industry is online on Dec 14, 2021 this year. Merry Christmas

InterNACHI’s 2021 Online Christmas Party: Advice and Etiquette

Welcome to InterNACHI’s Annual Online Christmas Party… the inspection industry’s biggest event of the year! Festivities start on Tuesday, December 14, 2021. You won’t want to miss it. Each year, more than 3,000 inspectors attend and the party goes on all day long. We expect more than 4,000 attendees this year.

Here’s how it works: Throughout the party, InterNACHI® will post inspection-related prizes that inspectors can win by posting to the thread. (And if you have any questions about how to participate, please post that, too!)

Here’s some information about this year’s event, and how you can help it go smoothly:

  1. This year’s party is being hosted by Cozy Coats for Kids®, a registered charity funded almost solely by the inspection industry. See the forum thread titled “Cozy Coats for Kids” on InterNACHI’s message board .
  2. If you’re an InterNACHI® member, log into the message board. If you don’t know your member username or password, visit this link:

If you aren’t logged in, the delay from moderation (non-registrants’ posts are moderated) will likely prevent you from winning. So if you aren’t registered to use InterNACHI’s forum, you should do that now. If you’ve never registered to use the forum, go here: . If you are an InterNACHI member, you are already registered to use the forum. If you can post on the message board (feel free to make a test post), you’re good to go.

  1. Be sure to include identifiable information in your posts, such as your city and state/province. InterNACHI® has 29,400+ members in North America and more than 100 of them have the last name “Smith.” So, help us figure out who you are by telling us where you are.
  2. If you already own the gift that’s currently being offered, or if you won it last year, or if you have won several gifts in a row, please don’t take it. Allow someone else to win it. You can also post the word “Pass” and we’ll ship it to the next person who posts in that thread.
  3. Canadian members can’t win certain infrared products due to laws restricting the shipment of such items to Canada.
  4. Some gifts are for certain members only. For example, the “We’ll Buy Your Home” Guarantee rack cards are only for participating members of . And Certified Master Inspector® products are only for Certified Master Inspectors®, etc.
  5. Some gifts are free to all (“Everyone wins”) by simply clicking on the link posted. From there you can download it or order it at no cost.
  6. Unless you tell us otherwise by emailing, we will ship to the address you have in your member profile. Now would be a good time to make sure your address is accurate by going to
  7. A few gifts (not very many, though) are being offered directly by industry vendors, so the winner will have to contact those vendors directly to claim their prize.
  8. We expect to pack and ship four truckloads of gifts for winners after the party. To save money, we’ll choose the least expensive shipping option, so some gifts will arrive after Christmas. Gifts shipped to Canada might arrive after the New Year.
  9. As in previous years, everyone who participates will win something.
  10. Logistics and shipping is generously being provided by again this year, so always give them your business (loyalty is a two-way street).
  11. Finally, we encourage you to make a donation in any amount to Cozy Coats for Kids ®, an award-winning registered charity supported almost solely by the home inspection industry. Everyone who donates will have their home inspection company’s contact information, logo, and a live link to their home inspection website posted on the Cozy Coats for Kids® Donors Page at … forever. Check out your fellow inspectors who are listed there already.

Nick Gromicko


what are the time frames of the party?


12:00 am to 12:pm.


Really starting at midnight till noon. Or the other way around.

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The day has 24 hours in it, William. :joy:

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Looking forward to the organization’s Christmas celebration and giveaway. Every year it gets better.
See you there!

But your post doesn’t!

Should read… 12 AM to 12 AM… OR… 12:01 AM to 11:59 PM.


I haven’t attended before but will try to save the date this year. The e-mail does say it is an all day event but do we know for certain if that means 24 hours or is it more of a dawn to dusk day?


We usually start around 10:00 AM EST and post prizes to win throughout the day and evening! :christmas_tree: There isn’t an official start or end time.


Or use proper military or 24 time frames to avoid ANY confusion like 00:00hrs to 12:00hrs ( midnight to noon ) or 12:00 hrs to 23:59 Hrs (noon to midnight) or 00:01 Hrs to 23:59 hrs ( the entire day) AS WELL there is no time zone qualifier so is it UTC ( grenich ) Atlantic or eastern or maountain or what ?


Thanks, Darrell!

And, welcome to our forum!..Enjoy!

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I am a first year CPI and this will obviously be my first visit to the party. Thanks for the invitation! I will be there.


Just earned my Texas Certification and this is my first Christmas as an inspector, so I am looking forward to the party. I have it marked on my calendar and will be checking in often!


I have been with Internachi for many years this will be my first time attending the event looking forward to it


Congratulations, John. Best of luck with all your endeavors.

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My first year as a CPI. InterNachi has been great to be part of!! Looking forward to the party!


Welcome to our forum, George!..Enjoy!


First time here! I’m looking forward to attending the party.


Welcome to our forum, Jason!..Enjoy!


It is like bugs scurrying out of the woodwork…LOL!