Laundry Room Plumbing

Any idea what I’m looking at in the floor here? New construction home, never lived in and close to completion. Concrete slab foundation and a pipe in the floor I haven’t seen before.

Thanks in advance, you old hands have the best info!

Washer drain. Odd that it’s not in the wall. May still need a trap.


if that is a 2" pipe it is most likely going to be a stand pipe for the washing machine drain…

Likely a drain line for the safety overflow pan that sits under the clothes washer.


I was thinking standpipe for a drain, but then I had no way to verify the presence or absence of a trap…guess I’ll write it up as such…

Was there no drain supply at the water hookups?

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I agree. I see them “roughed-in” often in new construction.

Not if it’s a 1 inch pipe…


I would not do that. Your drain for the washer is here. The pipe in the floor is just for a safety drain pan.



Can you verify That Brian?

Washer pan drain. Looks like 1-1/2” pipe.

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No, I wasn’t there. I have a high degree of confidence.


I tend to lead toward the drain pan for the washer, even though I never seen one installed.

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I wouldn’t doubt if it’s this exact box…

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Exactly my thoughts, very common to find on a second story laundry room

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Here you go, Thomas. It’s a standard install.


Standard install in areas? Like I said, I’ve never seen a drain pan under a washer here. Even on new builds. May be optional if the builder elects to do so…

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Rural Georgia pan under washer :slightly_smiling_face:

Ohisu Blue Washboard Basin for Hand Washing Clothes and Small Delicate Articles Ohisu Blue Washboard Basin for Hand Washing Clothes and Small Delicate Articles : Health & Household

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Things haven’t changed much here in these hills…


Gary, I agree, very common in second floor laundry rooms, I guess I failed to mention this was a first-floor laundry room, I’ll have an opportunity to return to the property this week, gonna take a closer look.
Thanks again for all the input from more seasoned inspectors!