Layering entry cables...

Originally Posted By: dvalley
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Can a professional “Sparky” tell me if there is a code stating that all 14 gauge or 12 gauge wire entering a SE box cannot be layered on top of one another, (outside the box before it enters the main panel).

I was told that every wire must be stapled flat and all by itself before it enters the panel. I need to know ASAP. I have money riding on this.


David Valley
MAB Member

Massachusetts Certified Home Inspections

"Some cause happiness wherever they go; others, whenever they go."

Originally Posted By: jmyers
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I don't know of any code requirement that would not allow the cables to be doubled under a staple before it enters the panel.

It would be worthy to note that this would actually fall under the jurisdiction of the UL listing on the staples themselves. Some staples are not rated for two wire under the same staple. Unfortunately, there is no way of knowing if you have the staples that are, or are not rated for two wires. I would say from that standpoint you are both correct but have reached a stale mate, so to speak, because there really is no way of proving which staple rating to use when inspecting this situation.

BTW...I am not a professional sparky. Maybe someone else here can help you out with the code issue, although I don't know of any. One code I do know is that the wire has to be secured within 12 inches of the box but you already knew that. How often do you find that code followed?

Joe Myers

Originally Posted By: jfarsetta
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I agree with Joe. Look at it from a practical standpoint and imagine 20-30 cables entering a 200-amp panel from above, where each one needed a separate and parallel path. Not too practical, and never seen. Go collect your money…

Originally Posted By: jmyers
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Wow…was that really argumentative Joe F? I think it was an imposter since he was agreeing with me instead of arguing with me! icon_biggrin.gif

Joe Myers

Originally Posted By: nlewis
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The gauge of the cables doesn't have anything to do with whether they can be grouped together. All of the cables can't bundled because heat buildup needs to dissipate. The cables would have to be derated if bundled.
Joe is right on about not knowing what the staples are rated for. I have two boxes of different size NM staples here, and I can't find anything on the boxes about how many cables are allowed. And there is no UL listing to be found. I've always gone with two maximum.

Originally Posted By: jmyers
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That is a good point. Cables to need to be derated when they are bundled just as if they were in conduit.

Joe Myers