Leaky basement, pouring concrete along house and caulking along house

Many incorrectly think/say crap like, ‘The basement leaks because of a poor grade’ or ‘The existing concrete slabs aren’t pitched away from the house properly’, or ‘All you need to do is pour concrete along the leaky area and caulk the perimeter’… nonsense, INCOMPETENCE!

2 videos, some newer walkway slabs were poured and they caulked the perimeter…

I moved a little soil for ya lol, see the top of the block foundation wall, corner crack ++…
they just BOUGHT this house, the crack has existed many years, basements has leaked many years. Very FEW are going to get LUCKY for awhile and be able to divert enough water away… for AWHILE, away from existing foundation wall crack(s)… and sometimes a year ++ will go by without much rain after they pour concrete or caulk etc and they actually think they solved their stupid problem.

Sworn deposition, an INTERIOR drainage system co sued, … his sales reps, ‘Every week they go out and lie’, got that?


Thanks Mark!!

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